Foam concrete is a highly cellularized cementitious material that undergoes extensive plastic deformation when loaded to failure. Under compression, the foam structure gets progressively crushed at a steady stress stage such that a substantial amount of energy is dissipated. Understanding foam concrete crushing behavior is of special importance for its engineering applications such as energy absorber, but the current studies are insufficient to define material properties for design of field applications. This study characterizes the crushing strength and foam modulus of samples with penetration test and resonant frequency test, respectively. A four-phase crushing behavior is observed. The yield strength and plateau strength are identified to characterize the foam crushing. Using the experimental inputs, the modulus-strength constitutive equations are then established. These findings are useful for expanding the knowledge of normal concrete to studies on foam concrete, as well as design of applications.Foam concrete is a highly cellularized cementitious material that undergoes extensive plastic deformation when loaded to failure. Under compression, the foam structure gets progressively crushed at a steady stress stage such that a substantial amount of energy is dissipated. Understanding foam concrete crushing behavior is of special importance for its engineering applications such as energy absorber, but the current studies are insufficient to define material properties for design of field applications. This study characterizes the crushing strength and foam modulus of samples with penetration test and resonant frequency test, respectively. A four-phase crushing behavior is observed. The yield strength and plateau strength are identified to characterize the foam crushing. Using the experimental inputs, the modulus-strength constitutive equations are then established. These findings are useful for expanding the knowledge of normal concrete to studies on foam concrete, as well as design of applications.