One of the most destructive natural disasters is the earthquake which brings enormous risks to humankind. The objective of the current study was to determine the Earthquake’s remote sensing multiparameter (i.e. land surface temperature (LST), air temperature, specific humidity, precipitation and wind speed) spatiotemporal anomaly of many earthquake samples occurred during 2018 around the world. In this research 11 earthquake (M > 6:0) studied (4 samples selected in a land with transparent sky situations, 3 samples in land within cloudy situations and 4 samples in marine earthquakes). The interquartile range (IQR) and mean ± 2σ methods utilized to improve the efficiency of anomalous differences. As a result, based on the IQR method, negative anomaly before the event detected during the daytime in Mexico and during the nighttime in Afghanistan. In addition, a negative outlier of brightness temperature (BT) detected in Alaska before, after and during the event. In contrast, based on IQR and mean ± 2σ positive anomaly detected in precipitation before and after the event in all investigated examples. According to mean ± 2σ, negative anomaly LST, specific humidity, sea surface temperature (SST_100) and wind detected in most examined earthquake samples. In contrast, positive SST_0 anomaly observed in Fiji and Honduras after the earthquake. Our results suggested in marine earthquakes, for earthquake forecasting we can merge a prior negative anomaly in the wind speed and SST_100. Regarding the in land cloudy sky earthquakes, merging anomaly parameters could be the negative prior anomaly in BT, skin temperature, in contrast, a positive anomaly in precipitation. In land transparent sky earthquake, usually negative prior anomalies in air temperature, specific humidity and LST.