Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Why Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Must Be Grounded in Sound Biodiversity Science

Version 1 : Received: 4 December 2018 / Approved: 6 December 2018 / Online: 6 December 2018 (07:39:13 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Seddon N, Turner B, Berry P, Chausson A, Girardin C (2019) Grounding nature-based climate solutions in sound biodiversity science. Nature Climate Change 9: 84-87 Seddon N, Turner B, Berry P, Chausson A, Girardin C (2019) Grounding nature-based climate solutions in sound biodiversity science. Nature Climate Change 9: 84-87


The current focus on afforestation in climate policy runs the risk of compromising both longterm carbon storage and human adaptation. It also works against efforts to stem the tide of biodiversity loss. We outline why an emphasis on diverse, intact natural ecosystems—as opposed to tree plantations with fast-growing exotic species—will help nations deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement and much more.

Supplementary and Associated Material Nature-based Solutions Initiative


biodiversity; climate change; forests; nature-based solutions; policy; resilience


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Ecology

Comments (1)

Comment 1
Received: 24 January 2019
Commenter: (Click to see Publons profile: )
The commenter has declared there is no conflict of interests.
Comment: I agree with Seddon et al that there is a need for restoration of diverse forests rather than monoculture plantations. The perspective article is highly informative and should be of interest to policy makers and biodiversity researchers. However, two questions I think the authors should probably address in this article:

1. Monoculture plantations are often preferred as an energy source in developing nations. Exotic trees are often preferred over native trees because they grow fast. Hence, communities are urged to plant exotic trees for farming activities such as tobacco curing in Zimbabwe. What advice would you give to communities that use exotic trees as an energy source for their farming activities?

2. It seems the perspective article overlooked the economic and practical challenges of implementing nature based strategies, particularly in developing countries which are worst hit by the deforestation crisis and climate change. Success in reforestation of diverse forests with native trees depends on availability of their seeds/seedlings. Furthermore, there is a belief that the preferred seeds/seedlings should be from a place currently experiencing the forecasted climate. In what ways does the nature based solutions address the challenges of sourcing forests seeds and plants?
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