The Bay of Espirito Santo is located in the Espírito Santo State, in the eastern part of Brazil. It is surrounded by the city of Vitoria on one side and by the Atlantic Ocean on the other. Superficial sediments of Espirito Santo Bay were analyzed at 12 (western shallow silt sediments) + 8 (eastern sandy sediments and relatively deep sampling stations) = 20 uniformly distributed sampling points where geochemical analysis was performed. Nineteen elements were analyzed: Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Mn, Fe, As, U, Th, Sr, Cd, Sb, Bi, V, Cr, Ba, and Al. This selection was made based on the most representative heavy metals present in this area and according to the results obtained from the geochemical analysis. Their concentrations were compared with metal contamination benchmarks like Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs), Effects Range-Low (ERLs) and Effects Range-Median (ERMs), TELs (Threshold Effects Levels), PELs (Probable Effects Levels), ERM (Effects range median), and AETs (Apparent Effects Thresholds). Results indicate that there is no particular pollution condition able to alter the condition of any part of this water body. The Authors conclude that the Espirito Santo Bay is only moderately polluted and some elements are virtually absent.