Nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) are essential macro-elements crucial for the proper development, productivity, nutrient uptake, and the building blocks of protein biosynthesis. The plant's N-metabolism is also influenced by S, and its deficiency can lead to a decline in the consumption of N from fertilizers. The objective of this research was to assess the impacts Temporal N and S applications on the nutrient uptake, productivity, use efficiencies and micronutrients content status in soybean seeds. The field trial in randomized complete block design carried out, experiment comprised fourteen treatments with varying N and S quantities. N and S were applied through starter and temporal applications in different combinations. The findings indicated that temporal application of individually N and S fertilization as 25 kg ha-1 as starter and 25 kg ha-1 as temporal applications at R2 stage enhanced the highest nutrient uptake, seeds and stalks yields. The use efficiencies, as well as the Zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) uptake by seeds, showed an increase with the temporal application of both nutrients compared to the control. Furthermore, soil Zn and Fe contents were also enhanced with the temporal applications of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization. As a result, it could be decided that the nitrogen and sulfur temporal applications not only enhanced nutrient uptake, productivity and use efficiencies but also improved the micronutrient uptake by soybean. Furthermore, this practice contributed to an improvement in soil Zn and Fe content.