In recent years, the development of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrates has seen significant advancement. In this research, we successfully fabricated cotton swab-based SERS substrates using a facile solution-based method. Our SERS substrates showed not only ultrasensitive detection capability but also impressive long-term stability and multiple recyclability rounds. In particular, we reported a detection limit of 10-12 M RhB and a detectable concentration of thiophanate methyl as low as 10-10 M using our cotton swab-based SERS substrates. The stability of our substrates reached a 12-month mark, and they were recycled as many as five times simply by cleaning them with ozone. We look forward to expanding the applicability of our cotton-swab based SERS substrates to various types of analytes as well as optimizing our cotton-swab based SERS substrates for longer stability and more recyclability.