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Species | Family | Main constituents | Possible roles | References |
Acetabularia caliculus | Polyphysaceae | Proteins (4.5%), lipids (4.2%), carbohydrates (33.4%), and ash including minerals (57.3%), others (0.6%) as secondarymetabolites such as phenolic compounds and terpenoids | Phycoremediation of: Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn, organic components, and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, antioxidants | [118,123,124] |
Avrainvillea amadelpha | Dichotomosiphonaceae | Rawsonol a, isorawsonol-steroids, bromophenols, Sulfono-glycolipid |
Antioxidants, anticancer, H2O2 scavenging activity, hemagglutination, antibacterial, heavy metal phycoremediation: (Cd, Cu, Pb) | [118,125,126,127] |
Boodlea composita | Boodleaceae | β-sitosterol, loliolide b and 13²-hydroxy-(13²-S)-phaeophytin-a, fatty acids, sterols, sulphated polysaccharide, agglutinins, glycinebetaine, prolinebetaine | Possible remediation role in polluted saline waters | [118,128,129,130,131,132] |
Bryopsis implexa | Bryopsidaceae | Xylan, carotenoids, free amino and fatty acids, sterols, bryopsin, kahalalide F | Possible role in remediating polluted and saline waters, anticancer action | [114,118,125,133] |
Caulerpa mexicana | Caulerpaceae | Siphonaxanthin c, siphonein d, various polysaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids | Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, possible removing heavy metals, nutritional uses, medical uses: antiviral, antibacterial, etc. | [118,134,135,136] |
Chaetomorpha spp., (5 species): C. aerea, C. indica, C. linum, C. koeiei, C. patentarama | Cladophoraceae | Sulphated polysaccharides; containing arabinose, and galactose, and other sugars such as glucose, xylose, and fucose, haemolytic saponin | Anticoagulant activities (antithrombin type), possible toxic, remediation of IWW | [118,137,138,139,140,141] |
Cladophora spp., (3 species): C. koeie, C. patentirama, C. sericoides | Cladophoraceae | Pigments such as β-carotene, xanthophyll, xanthphyll-epoxide, violaxanthin, and other related pigments, water soluble sulphated polysaccharides, other related compounds, various types of amino acids | Phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons, antibacterial and antiviral activities, antimitotic and cytotoxic activities, monitoring heavy metals such as Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn | [118,142,143,144,145,146] |
Cladophoropsis sundanensis | Boodleaceae | Xanthophyll, loroxanthin siphonaxanthin | Little about role in phytoremediation; needs more investigation | [118,147,148] |
Dictyosphaeria cavernosa | Siphonocladaceae | Alkylxanthate, bicyclic lipid, dictyosphaerin, some heavy metals, | Possible phycoremediation of heavy metals, anti-mosquito larvae | [118,123,149,150,151] |
Enteromorpha spp., (2 species): E. kylinii, E. ramulosa | Ulvaceae | Water soluble polysaccharides, fatty acids and sterol, essential amino acids | Bioactivity such as hypocholesterolemic effect, antibacterial and diuretic activities, mutagenic activity, indicator of pollution | [118,152,153,154,155] |
Rhizoclonium kochianum | Cladophoraceae | Scanty information, crystalline cellulose | Antibacterial, beta-blocker, 5-hydroxytryptamine blocker, folk medicine for burns, vermifuge, possible phycoremediation of heavy metals and organic compounds, nutritional value |
[118,156] |
Ulva purtusa | Ulvaceae | Polysaccharides, fatty acids, non-acidic glycolipid fractions, monogalactosyl, diglyceride, isofucosterol, amino acids, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Ti, Ni, Cu, Pb, and others | Bioindicator of seawater pollution, remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals | [118,154,157,158,159,160] |
Species | Family | Main constituents | Possible roles | References |
Colpomenia sinuosa | Scytosiphonaceae | Cytotoxic fractions with complex mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoid fucoxanthin, some amino acids | Possible role of heavy metal remediation, its presence is a sign of pollution | [118,161,162,163] |
Cystophyllum muricatum | Ceratophyllaceae | Little information available, presence of some fatty acids | Possible remediation of heavy metals and organic components | [118,164] |
Cystoseira spp., (2 species): C. myrica, C. trinodis | Sargassaceae | A sulphated polysaccharide containing some soluble sugars, fucoidan, glycinebetaine and related compounds, alginic acid, uronic acid, laminaran, mannitol, amino acids, palmitic acid, lipid components, diterpenoids, etc. | Remediation of heavy metals in seawater | [114,118,159,165,166,167] |
Dictyota cervicornis | Dictyotaceae | Fucoidan, diterpenes, diterpenoids, sterols such as fucosterol, phloroglucinol as toxic compound | Cytotoxic effects, many deterred feedings by some sea animals such as fish and sea urchins etc., possible phytoremediation of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons | [118,168] |
Ectocarpus mitchellae | Ectocarpaceae | Mannitol, ectocarpene, fucoidan, alginin, ectocarpene | Sexual pheromone, hemagglutinin activity, possible remediation of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons | [118,154,169] |
Giffordia mitchellae | Acinetosporaceae | Giffordene, stereoisomers | Hemagglutinin activity, no reports about remediation, needs to be tested for phycoremediation | [118] |
Hormophysa cuneiformis | Sargassaceae | Carbohydrates (59%), proteins (9%), lipids (7%), and ash (25%), sterols, fatty acids, amino acids, some heavy metals are found such as Fe, Zn, Co, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Al | Bioindicators for heavy metal pollution, anticancer and possible antimicrobial potential | [118,170,171,172] |
Padina australis | Dictyotaceae | Sulphated heteropolysaccharides, fucan contained monosaccharides, neutral sugars such as arabinose, fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, rhamnose, and xylose, other sugar components complexes are found such as uronic acid, fucosterol, fatty and amino acids, acids such as glutamic acid, arginine, and proline | Anticoagulation activity, human HL-60 leukemia cell-line, bioactive primary and secondary metabolites with antibacterial activity, against Bacillus spp, and Staphylococcus spp., monitoring heavy metals, high capacity of the polyphenols for the chelating of heavy metals, possible heavy metal phycoremediation | [118,173,174,175,176] |
Sargassum spp., (2 species): S. aquifolium, S. boveanum | Sargassaceae | Polysaccharides, sargassan: many monosaccharides in this compound are found, amino acids are found in the peptide portion, high fucoidan content containing some complex polysaccharides, high percentage of alginate, mannitol, fatty acids of various types are found, glycerides, and many other complex compounds, etc. | High nutritional values, trace elements are found such as Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Sr, Cs, Fe, Mn, Sb, Sc, Te, V, U, and Zn, remediation of trace elements is very likely, biological activities, antitumor activity, interferon-activity, immunosuppressive effects, anticoagulant activity, hypo-cholesterolemic activity, other medical uses were reported | [118,159,177,178,179] |
Turbinaria conoides | Sargassaceae | Alginic acid, alginate, laminaran, fucan complex contains monosaccharides, D-mannitol, fucosterol, antibiotic sarganin, antifungal activity, turbinaric acid | Antibacterial and antifungal activities, cytotoxic activity, herbivorous activity, possible phycoremediation activity of some heavy metals: thulium, role in biosynthesis of nanoparticles | [118,180,181,182] |
Species | Family | Main constituents | Possible roles | References |
Amphiroa fragilissima | Corallinaceae | Cholesterol, non-protein amino acids, low molecular-weight carbohydrates, floridoside, mannoglyceric acid, bioactive compounds such as ellagic acid, gallic acid, and phenolic compounds, major polyamines are found, trace elements are found such as Fe, Zn, Co, Pb, Mn, Cu, Al, etc. | Possible role of remediation in polluted water, ellagic acid may help prevent cancer cells to grow, gallic acid contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic properties, phenolic compounds may have more roles: antitumoral, anticoagulant, antiviral, and hypocholesterolemic | [118,183,184] |
Centroceras calvulatum | Ceramiaceae | Rich in protein, non-protein amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, rich in vitamin C | Might be non-conventional food and feed, possible remediation role of polluted sea water | [118,185] |
Ceramium luetzelbergii | Ceramiaceae | Agar, some complex compounds containing monosaccharides are found, carotenoids, cholesterols, bromoperoxidase containing vanadium (V), trimethylamine, nitrate, choline, crystalline sulphure, Hg is found in some species of Ceramium | Possible indicator of Hg, possible universal monitor for heavy metals, antibacterial activity, antimitotic acitivity, agglutinin activity, folk medicine used for chest diseases | [118,186,187,188] |
Chondria armata | Rhodomelaceae | Polysaccharides composed of mannose and galactose, xylogalactan sulphate, chondriol: a halogenated acetylene, volatile acids: sarganin and chonalgin, amino acids with some new amino acids, chondriamides, hemmagglutinins, cyclic polysuphides, some trace elements are found such as: Fe, Zn, Co, Pb, Mn, Cu, and Al | Possible role in remediation of heavy metals, antibiotic action, cytotoxic activity, activity against animal erythrocytes, other medical activities were recorded such as antitumor, antimicrobial, and antiviral effects | [54,118,189] |
Digenea simplex | Rhodomelaceae | Agar contains: galactose, glucose, xylose, etc., agarose, sulphate ester, pectin analysis showed the presence of galactose, fructose, and arabonic acid, floridoside, digenic acid (kainic acid) | Some constituents can be used in medicine, food industry, cosmetic, digenic acid is effective in expelling ascaris, possible to remediates heavy metals and organic compounds | [118,190,191] |
Hypnea spp., (2 species): H. cervicornis, H. valentiae | Cystocloniaceae | Sulphated galactans, carotenoids, such as α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, and possibly others, peptidic agglutanins, phycolloid containing ƙ-carrageenan, various forms of sterols and fatty acids, contain some elements such as Ca, Mg, K, Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Co | Food and animal feed, some agglutanins have agglutinating activity towards a variety of biological cells, including tumour, against human blood groups A, B, O, and animal erythrocytes, sulphated polysaccharides might have role in supporting bones and may be used as anti-inflammatory agents and other medical uses, pharmacological constituents could play various roles such as muscle relaxant, hypothermic activity, phytoremediation of heavy metals such as Cd | [115,118,182,192,193] |
Jania spp. (2 species were recorded): J. adhaerens, J. ungulata | Corallinaceae | Various carotenoids such as β-carotene, zeaxanthin, fucoxanthin, 9͂-cis-fucoxanthin, fucoxanthinol, 9͂-cis-fucoxanthinol, and epimeric mutatoxanthins, other organic compounds might be found, some heavy metals might be found | Phytoremediation of heavy metals is possible, not much information is available for some species, ameliorative effect to the toxicity of heavy some heavy metals for some animals and possibly humans | [118,194,195] |
Laurencia spp. (6 species were recorded): L. elata, L. glandulifera, L. intermedia, L. paniculata, L. papillosa, L. perforata | Rhodymeniaceae | Various types of polysaccharides, sesquiterpenoides, diterpenoids, triterpenoids, other compounds such as C15-acetogensis, secondary metabolites such as sterols, fatty acids, amino acids, mineral elements: K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb, Co, Cu, Mn, Al, possibly others: Cr, Ni, Cd, etc. | Various roles played by this macro-alga as food, medicine, numerous ecological roles*, refuge for marine organisms, hosts of various microorganisms and parasitic algae (such as Janczewskia), they are fed on by some grazers such as crabs, queen conch, and sea hares, possible roles in phycoremediation | [118,147,196] |
Polysiphonia spp. (4 species were recorded): P. brodiei, P. crassicolis, P. ferulacea, P. kampsaxii | Rhodomelaceae | Sulphated galactans; polysaccharides belong to the agar class and agarose, other related residues such as mannitol and trehalose, etc., bromophenols, fatty acids, phospholipids, polar lipids, some structural components | Antibiotic (antibacterial & antifungal) and antioxidant activities, other roles such as antimitotic, increase survival of vorticellids and serum lipolytic activity, agglutinin, heavy metals are found such as As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, V, and Zn, possible phycoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons | [118,159,197,198] |
Spyridia filamentosa | Callithamniaceae | Sterols such as cholesterol, fatty acids, agglutinin is found in some species, main elements found: Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, and Zn | Antifungal activity of aqueous extracts, biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, removing heavy metals from industrial wastewater | [118,199,200] |
Wurdemannia miniatat | Solieriaceae | Little information about the chemical constituents (needs to be investigated) | No reported roles of this species | [118] |
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