Version 1
: Received: 21 January 2024 / Approved: 22 January 2024 / Online: 22 January 2024 (07:49:50 CET)
How to cite:
Stasiuk-Piekarska, A. K.; Michalska, M.; Hordyńska, M. Sustainable Development of Universities in Poland – Identification of the Status and Possibilities of Support. Preprints2024, 2024011563.
Stasiuk-Piekarska, A. K.; Michalska, M.; Hordyńska, M. Sustainable Development of Universities in Poland – Identification of the Status and Possibilities of Support. Preprints 2024, 2024011563.
Stasiuk-Piekarska, A. K.; Michalska, M.; Hordyńska, M. Sustainable Development of Universities in Poland – Identification of the Status and Possibilities of Support. Preprints2024, 2024011563.
APA Style
Stasiuk-Piekarska, A. K., Michalska, M., & Hordyńska, M. (2024). Sustainable Development of Universities in Poland – Identification of the Status and Possibilities of Support. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Stasiuk-Piekarska, A. K., Monika Michalska and Małgorzata Hordyńska. 2024 "Sustainable Development of Universities in Poland – Identification of the Status and Possibilities of Support" Preprints.
In the empirical dimension, the authors' intention was to define the criteria that should be taken into account by universities to meet the requirements of sustainable university development - in terms of activities and reporting through the analysis of good practices developed by top Polish universities. The aim was also to select activities that, based on benchmarks, could be used by universities at every stage of implementing SDG goals. This is not an easy task, considering that for educational institutions the priority is the educational process, and the implementation of the principles of sustainable development is only possible through an intensive educational process combined with the application of knowledge in practice. This is a challenge for the university because it requires remodeling the current culture, changes in processes and the perception of certain cultural and social phenomena, and will involve a change in the teacher-student relationship, a change in the traditional education process to practice-based education, and will also require an interdisciplinary context. in the content provided. But this is precisely the challenge for outstanding educators. The authors compared three significant world rankings to which Polish universities also report. They collected information and data mainly regarding the activities undertaken by the reporting Polish universities in the area of developing good practices. Many ideas and tips will enable the preparation of further material, which the authors plan to deepen with a detailed analysis of SD indicators.
sustainable development; ESG ; CSRD directive; good university practices
Business, Economics and Management, Human Resources and Organizations
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