Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Could the Combination of eGFR and mGPS Facilitate the Differential Diagnosis of Age-Related Renal Decline from Diseases? A Large Study on the Population of Western Sicily

Version 1 : Received: 24 October 2023 / Approved: 25 October 2023 / Online: 25 October 2023 (08:35:43 CEST)

How to cite: Carella, M.; Porreca, A.; Piazza, C.; Gervasi, F.; Magro, D.; Venezia, M.; Lo verso, R.; Vitale, G.; Agnello, A. G.; Aronica, T.; Balistreri, C. R. Could the Combination of eGFR and mGPS Facilitate the Differential Diagnosis of Age-Related Renal Decline from Diseases? A Large Study on the Population of Western Sicily. Preprints 2023, 2023101581. Carella, M.; Porreca, A.; Piazza, C.; Gervasi, F.; Magro, D.; Venezia, M.; Lo verso, R.; Vitale, G.; Agnello, A. G.; Aronica, T.; Balistreri, C. R. Could the Combination of eGFR and mGPS Facilitate the Differential Diagnosis of Age-Related Renal Decline from Diseases? A Large Study on the Population of Western Sicily. Preprints 2023, 2023101581.


Assessment of renal function is critical to diagnose and manage renal age-related decline, disease (KD), and failure, which are prevalent in the elderly population. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is widely used as an indicator of kidney function, but its direct measurement is challenging, as are its age and gender caveats. This makes difficult the differential diagnosis, between age-related physiological decline and KD and/or failure. Currently, the inflammation-based modified Glasgow prognostic score (mGPS) is emerging as promising biomarker of several inflammatory acute/chronic diseases. In this study, the large variability of eGFR with age and gender was evaluated, as the association of eGFR values with mGPS levels. A population of 57449 adult participants (age ≥18 years) was enrolled. Appropriate circulating biomarkers were measured to detect eGFR and mGPS values. The data obtained demonstrated a significant decrease of eGFR in men vs. women across the four selected age classes (18-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100 years), eGFR classes were significantly associated with mGPS (p<0.001), as age-classes and gender with mGPS categories. Accordingly, the percentage of people having a mGPS score= 2 significantly increased across the eGFR classes: with a 11% in the G1/eGFR class to achieve the 44% in G5/eGFR. Thus, the combination of mGPS with eGFR could represent the best benchmark risk model for differentiating age-related renal decline from a very KD, and for a better identification of different degrees of KD severity.


renal age-related decline; kidney disease (KD); eGFR; mGPS


Public Health and Healthcare, Public Health and Health Services

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