Version 1
: Received: 19 October 2023 / Approved: 19 October 2023 / Online: 23 October 2023 (05:15:39 CEST)
How to cite:
Michopoulos, P.; Bourletsikas, A.; Argyrokastritis, I.; Kostakis, M.; Kaoukis, K.; Thomaidis, N. Arsenic and Cadmium in the Hydrological Cycle and Soil in a Maquis Broadleaved Evergreen Forest Stand in Greece. Sources of Some Uncertainties. Preprints2023, 2023101299.
Michopoulos, P.; Bourletsikas, A.; Argyrokastritis, I.; Kostakis, M.; Kaoukis, K.; Thomaidis, N. Arsenic and Cadmium in the Hydrological Cycle and Soil in a Maquis Broadleaved Evergreen Forest Stand in Greece. Sources of Some Uncertainties. Preprints 2023, 2023101299.
Michopoulos, P.; Bourletsikas, A.; Argyrokastritis, I.; Kostakis, M.; Kaoukis, K.; Thomaidis, N. Arsenic and Cadmium in the Hydrological Cycle and Soil in a Maquis Broadleaved Evergreen Forest Stand in Greece. Sources of Some Uncertainties. Preprints2023, 2023101299.
APA Style
Michopoulos, P., Bourletsikas, A., Argyrokastritis, I., Kostakis, M., Kaoukis, K., & Thomaidis, N. (2023). Arsenic and Cadmium in the Hydrological Cycle and Soil in a Maquis Broadleaved Evergreen Forest Stand in Greece. Sources of Some Uncertainties. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Michopoulos, P., Kostas Kaoukis and Nikolaos Thomaidis. 2023 "Arsenic and Cadmium in the Hydrological Cycle and Soil in a Maquis Broadleaved Evergreen Forest Stand in Greece. Sources of Some Uncertainties" Preprints.
The concentrations and fluxes of arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) were examined in the hydrological cycle (bulk, throughfall deposition and percolation water), litterfall and soils in a maquis broadleaved evergreen forest stand in western Greece. It was found that the enrichment of As in the atmosphere was both due to suspended geogenic material and long range transfer, whereas for Cd the long range transfer was the predominant way for deposition in the ecosystem. Three models were assessed to find the volumes of percolation water and therefore the fluxes of As and Cd in the water that leave the ecosystem permanently. When calculating the total amounts of the heavy metals in soils, the statistical uncertainty derived from every soil layer has to be taken into account.
Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science
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