Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

The Effect of Electrolyte on the Kinetics of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Version 1 : Received: 29 September 2023 / Approved: 30 September 2023 / Online: 3 October 2023 (03:13:04 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Gebremariam, G.K.; Jovanović, A.Z.; Pašti, I.A. The Effect of Electrolytes on the Kinetics of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Hydrogen 2023, 4, 776-806. Gebremariam, G.K.; Jovanović, A.Z.; Pašti, I.A. The Effect of Electrolytes on the Kinetics of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Hydrogen 2023, 4, 776-806.


Amid global energy challenges, hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is gaining traction for green hydrogen production. While catalyst research is ongoing, recognizing electrolyte effects remains crucial for sustainable hydrogen production via renewable-powered water electrolysis. This review delves into the intricate effects of electrolytes on the kinetics of HER. It examines key factors, including pH, cations, anions, impurities, and electrolyte concentration. It is discussed that electrolyte pH alters catalyst-electrolyte interactions and proton concentrations, thereby influencing factors such as hydrogen binding energy, water adsorption, and the overall reaction kinetics. Moreover, it is briefed that electrolyte cations, such as Li+, can impact HER positively or negatively, offering opportunities for improvement based on the metal substrate. Interestingly, there is a potential that HER can be tuned using Li+ ions to modify M-H bond energy, demonstrating flexibility beyond pH levels and counter ions. Varied adsorption energies of metal cations on metal electrodes are also found to influence HER kinetics. The effects of electrolyte anions and impurities are also discussed, emphasizing both positive and negative impacts on HER kinetics. Moreover, it is pointed out that the electrolyte engineering approach enhances the HER kinetics of both metal and carbon-based electrodes without permanent catalyst surface modifications. This review underscores the importance of electrolyte composition, highlighting both challenges and potential solutions in advancing HER research for sustainable energy production.


Hydrogen evolution reaction, kinetics; electrolyte; electrolyte ions; electrolyte impurities; electrolyte engineering


Chemistry and Materials Science, Electrochemistry

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