Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Could You Evaluate Sounds in a Virtual Environment?: Evaluation Components of Auditory Experience in a Metaverse Environment

Version 1 : Received: 14 September 2023 / Approved: 14 September 2023 / Online: 15 September 2023 (05:33:24 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Park, B.; Namkung, K.; Pan, Y. Could You Evaluate Sounds in a Virtual Environment? Evaluation Components of Auditory Experience in a Metaverse Environment. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10991. Park, B.; Namkung, K.; Pan, Y. Could You Evaluate Sounds in a Virtual Environment? Evaluation Components of Auditory Experience in a Metaverse Environment. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10991.


This study aims to develop an auditory experience evaluation questionnaire to improve the presence of metaverse environments, and to derive evaluation components considering auditory presence and auditory user experience (AUX) through a survey. After conducting a survey with a total of 232 participants, five evaluation components were extracted from auditory presence and AUX evaluation factors through principal component analysis (PCA) and reliability analysis (RA): 'realistic auditory background', 'acoustic aesthetics', 'consideration of acoustic control and accessibility', 'auditory utility and minimalist design', and 'auditory consistency'. In particular, although AUX evaluation factors such as 'ease of access to sound control' have limitations in improving the sense of presence, negative factors of presence such as 'distraction due to sound' can be improved by utilizing AUX evaluation factors, so it is judged that the sense of presence in the metaverse environments can be improved by enhancing the auditory sense of presence and AUX evaluation factors according to the composition of the five evaluation components derived in this study. This study can be used as a basis for developing an auditory experience evaluation questionnaire for the metaverse platform, creating sound design guidelines, and identifying sound development priorities.


metaverse environment; auditory presence; AUX evaluation; evaluation questionnaire design; principal component analysis


Arts and Humanities, Other

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