Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Design and Analysis of Query Models Database Preservation Information Systems Digitization of History and Endowments; Case Study of History and Waqf of Sumedang Larang Kingdom Indonesia

Version 1 : Received: 14 July 2023 / Approved: 17 July 2023 / Online: 17 July 2023 (15:11:18 CEST)

How to cite: Sudrajat, R.; Ruchjana, B. N.; Abdullah, A. S.; Budiarto, R. Design and Analysis of Query Models Database Preservation Information Systems Digitization of History and Endowments; Case Study of History and Waqf of Sumedang Larang Kingdom Indonesia. Preprints 2023, 2023071117. Sudrajat, R.; Ruchjana, B. N.; Abdullah, A. S.; Budiarto, R. Design and Analysis of Query Models Database Preservation Information Systems Digitization of History and Endowments; Case Study of History and Waqf of Sumedang Larang Kingdom Indonesia. Preprints 2023, 2023071117.


Historical and Endowment Properties are different from Heritage and cultural Properties, as Historical and Endowment properties are governed by a unique set of laws that Waqf recipients must abide by. Property that is entrusted is usually in the form of buildings, land or valuables which in preservation is not limited to time as long as the property can be utilized. Reliable information technology is needed to ensure data security both digitally and physically, while the rapid development of information technology demands information openness and this will be a challenge in itself. The objectives of this study include examining the collection of historical databases and endowments, the relationship between digital data and physical data and management organizations. The method of how to design a query model to display data is then analyzed whether the data conforms to the rules in waqf management. The results are expected to bring up accurate data between digital data and physical data and if there are differences into findings for the next analysis.


history; endowments; query model; digital data; physical data


Computer Science and Mathematics, Information Systems

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