Version 1
: Received: 12 June 2023 / Approved: 13 June 2023 / Online: 13 June 2023 (03:29:19 CEST)
How to cite:
Azhar-Ibrahim, M. B. Secure Socket Layer: Fundamentals and certificate verification. Preprints2023, 2023060869.
Azhar-Ibrahim, M. B. Secure Socket Layer: Fundamentals and certificate verification. Preprints 2023, 2023060869.
Azhar-Ibrahim, M. B. Secure Socket Layer: Fundamentals and certificate verification. Preprints2023, 2023060869.
APA Style
Azhar-Ibrahim, M. B. (2023). Secure Socket Layer: Fundamentals and certificate verification. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Azhar-Ibrahim, M. B. 2023 "Secure Socket Layer: Fundamentals and certificate verification" Preprints.
This paper intends to discuss SSLs, how they work, their advantages and drawbacks. It will end with the author’s thoughts on the efficacy of the system and whether it is a viable solution for the majority of network security problems or if those drawbacks prevent that.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL); Security of Networks; Man in the Middle (MITM) Attacks; Transport Layer Security (TLS); Authentication; Confidentiality; Integrity; Encryption; Decryption; Private key; Public key; Rivest; Shamir and Adleman (RSA); Certification Authorities
Computer Science and Mathematics, Computer Science
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.