Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

The Role Of Smart Transport In Urban Planning And The Transition From Traditional To Smart Cities In Developing Countries With Sustainability Requirements

Version 1 : Received: 8 June 2023 / Approved: 8 June 2023 / Online: 8 June 2023 (10:57:47 CEST)

How to cite: Shojarazavi, N.; Mohammadzadeh, S.; Soleymani, M.; Fathi, S.; Golchini, S.; Kadaei, S.; González Lezcano, R. A. The Role Of Smart Transport In Urban Planning And The Transition From Traditional To Smart Cities In Developing Countries With Sustainability Requirements. Preprints 2023, 2023060637. Shojarazavi, N.; Mohammadzadeh, S.; Soleymani, M.; Fathi, S.; Golchini, S.; Kadaei, S.; González Lezcano, R. A. The Role Of Smart Transport In Urban Planning And The Transition From Traditional To Smart Cities In Developing Countries With Sustainability Requirements. Preprints 2023, 2023060637.


Background: Smart transport plays a crucial role in urban planning and the transition from traditional to smart cities in developing countries with sustainability requirements.Traditional cities in developing countries often suffer from traffic congestion,air pollution, and inadequate public transportation systems,which can impede economic growth and negatively impact the quality of life for residents. Smart transport solutions can address these challenges by providing more efficient, sustainable.Here is a possible business model for an ITS system in a high-potential city in Iran,Based on IoT analysis, Mashhad city in Iran selected as a high-potential city to be changed to a smart city in the transportation sector.In the localization business model,the Uber smart transportation business model as a successful world experience is considered the base model. Methods: Based on the literature review,various criteria and sub-criteria were identified and determined in designing a new localized transportation business model.A questionnaire was prepared and filled with the help of 11 experts,method IAHP technique; Results:The present study showed the possibility of monthly payments for customers,software development, and the addition of luxury cars are among the most important sub-criteria with high weights;Conclusions: Working with transport companies,schools and universities as key partners solves reaching a strong and sustainable smart transportation system.


Traditional To Smart cities; Smart Transportation; Mashhad City


Business, Economics and Management, Other

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