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Kampus Mengajar, a Form of Direct Student Service in the World of Education?








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07 June 2023


08 June 2023

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Kampus Mengajar is a teaching and learning activity in schools as part of the independent campus learning policy (MBKM) initiated by Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A. as Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. This article aims to find out the teaching campus, a form of direct student service in the world of education? This article is a qualitative descriptive with a literature study. The result of this article is that all work program designs that have been prepared together can be implemented well at SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya and get quite satisfactory results.
Subject: Social Sciences  -   Education


The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak throughout the world and even Indonesia has caused such a huge impact, not only anxiety and fear, but all aspects of people's lives starting from the economic, digital, technology, tourism, banking, industry, trade and education sectors have been affected. by the pandemic. The impact of this pandemic has also been felt significantly by students, teachers and parents.
Kampus Mengajar is teaching and learning activities in schools as part of the Independent Learning Campus Policy (MBKM) initiated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. At this time, the Teaching Campus Program has produced five batches, namely the Pioneering Kampus Mengajar, Kampus Mengajar Batch 1, Kampus Mengajar Batch 2, Kampus Mengajar Batch 3, and Kampus Mengajar Batch 4. With the continuation of this program, it is hoped that this program will have a major impact on the world of education. specifically in the field of literacy and numeracy for target schools.
The Kampus Mengajar Program is intended for students throughout Indonesia, both from educational and non-educational groups with the hope of helping elementary and junior high school students in target schools in transitioning learning methods in this new normal era as well as introducing an independent learning curriculum policy. It is hoped that the struggle, contribution, innovation, and enthusiasm of students will bring significant changes to the world of Indonesian education in the future.
The research object is located at Dhaniswara Middle School Surabaya, which is located at Jalan Kalidami No. 14-16, Mojo, Gubeng District, Surabaya City, East Java. In the initial observation, the activities carried out were observing the environment around the target school. Apart from environmental conditions, students also make observations on aspects of the school profile, teaching aspects, aspects of technology adaptation, and aspects of school administration.
Teaching and learning activities (KBM) at SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya in the odd semester of 2022/2023 are carried out face-to-face using the revised 2013 curriculum. This target school has not fully implemented the independent curriculum policy or the emergency curriculum policy because educators still need time to adapt to the distance learning policy (PJJ) through media zoom which was implemented during the pandemic. In addition, the lack of teaching staff and the difficulty of adapting to technology means that the independent curriculum policy cannot be directly used in these target schools. Schools also during the pandemic conducted evaluations regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of distance learning (PJJ) policies on students and got unsatisfactory results so schools were very careful and made adjustments to the needs of students regarding the Independent Curriculum Policy.
In the aspect of technological adaptation, the school has several obstacles, namely first, not all of them have adequate equipment because the majority of students' families are in the lower middle class; second, there are no teaching staff (HR) with a background in computer education in assisting schools in adapting technology for both teachers and students; third, in the Revised 2013 Curriculum there is the elimination of information technology (IT) subjects so that schools do not have teaching staff (HR) with a background in computer education; fourth, in the Revised 2013 Curriculum there is a policy that educators (HR) who teach computers must have a computer education background.
In terms of school administration and teachers, the school has several constraints and limitations on human resources (HR) in its implementation. The obstacles experienced in these target schools were the school entrepreneurship program, the implementation of a computer-based national assessment (ANBK), and school website improvements. Therefore, topics related to Kampus Mengajar, forms of student direct service in the world of education? interesting to discuss in more depth.


Student Service

Community Service is an activity of the academic community that utilizes science and technology to promote community welfare and educate the nation's life. In general, this program is designed by various universities or institutes in Indonesia to make a real contribution to the Indonesian nation, especially in developing the welfare and progress of the Indonesian nation. Community Service Activities are one part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Universities are obliged to carry out research and community service in addition to carrying out education as mandated by Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 20. In line with these obligations, Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 45 stipulates that research in higher education is directed at developing science and technology, as well as improving people's welfare and the nation's competitiveness. The article also emphasizes that community service is an activity of the academic community in practicing and cultivating science and technology to advance public welfare and educate the nation's life.

Independent Learning Independent Campus

The Merdeka Campus is part of the Freedom to Learn policy by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which gives all students the opportunity to hone their abilities according to their talents and interests by going directly into the world of work as a career preparation step.

Kampus Mengajar

Kampus Mengajar is teaching and learning activities in schools as part of the Independent Learning Campus Policy (MBKM). The aim of the Teaching Campus program is to equip students to master various knowledge and skills by becoming partners of teachers and schools in fostering creativity and innovation in learning so that it has an impact on strengthening literacy and numeracy learning in schools.

Benefits of Teaching Campus for Students

Through this program students are expected to benefit from:
Improving the ability to think analytically and solve problems, increase the ability to collaborate and team management, cross-discipline collaboration and student origins;
Improving communication skills when carrying out activities with related stakeholders.

Benefits of Teaching Campus for Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools

Through this program, elementary and junior high schools are expected to benefit: increased creativity and innovation in designing strategies, methods and models of joint learning in elementary and junior high schools to improve the quality of learning.

Benefits of Teaching Campus for Elementary and Middle School Students

Through this program, elementary and junior high school students are expected to benefit from:
Improving literacy and numeracy skills in students in basic education units.
Get inspiration and motivation to learn.

Roles and Duties of Teaching Campus Students

The roles and duties of teaching campus students are,
Assisting teachers in implementing face-to-face learning at schools and distance learning, especially in literacy and numeracy learning.
Helping teachers adapt to technology in the learning process.
Assist teachers and school principals in fulfilling school administration related to programs, such as lesson plans (RPP), teaching aids, administration of school relations with the community, etc.).
Conduct socialization of the Ministry of Education and Culture's learning products (independence curriculum, literacy and numeracy learning modules, profiles of Pancasila students, AKM classes, and PMM).
Become an educational ambassador for behavior change during a pandemic.
Providing inspiration regarding the advancement of science and technology to schools, as well as motivating students to continue to have enthusiasm in pursuing education up to university.


Of the three types of articles based on their purpose, namely exploratory, descriptive and explanatory, this article is a qualitative descriptive article based on literacy studies by collecting journals and publications that focus on social sciences and technology such as EBSCO, IEEE, Science Direct, ProQuest, SCOPUS , SINTA, and so on. These journals and publications are journals and publications that can support or complement the topics in this article. To obtain the data needed in this article, the researcher also accessed several searches on web networks (web surfing) related to the topic of the article in order to obtain a conceptual framework and to understand the context of the article in depth. The use of literature can help provide an overview of something that is already known or unknown from a particular phenomenon. The use of literature in qualitative articles aims to maintain the naturalness of the data (Afiyanti, 2005).


Program Implementation

The implementation of learning activities and collaboration with subject teachers is carried out for approximately four months during the assignment period. The implementation of learning activities begins with student self-introduction to all Dhaniswara Middle School students in Surabaya. The material used by students during learning activities comes from textbooks and worksheets that have been provided by the school. However, during the process of learning activities students try to lead to efforts to increase literacy and numeracy in every learning activity in class.
The implementation of learning activities is carried out using various methods such as playing games, watching movies, doing practices (projects), utilizing technology, getting to know art, and others. This method uses media and materials that have been adapted to the existing class facilities and conditions.
In the early stages of learning activities, students still provide assistance in groups for about two weeks after the start of the jump to the target school. This decision was taken so that students could adapt to get to know and know the conditions of each student in the target school.
Implementation of learning activities in grades 7, 8 and 9 is to assist and collaborate with subject teachers in teaching in class. Students accompany teaching and learning activities in class according to the time and opportunity given by the teacher concerned or replace if unable to attend. Students in carrying out learning activities in class have implemented the revised 2013 curriculum concept and independent curriculum, where students in each learning activity always encourage students to actively discuss and study independently. In addition, students also do game-based learning, watch movies, get to know art and do projects so that students receive learning material more interactive and fun.
Assisting Technology Adaptation
Implementation of technology adaptation in target schools aims to provide knowledge transfer for both teachers and students in the use of technology during the process of teaching and learning activities. Technology adaptation activities in target schools for students in grades 7, 8 and 9 are carried out by compiling information technology training work programs.
This information technology training work program aims to introduce the basics of computers, introduce the basics of Microsoft Word, and introduce the basics of Microsoft Excel.
Helping School Administration and Teachers
The implementation of school administration and teachers is carried out when schools and teachers experience limited human resources in implementing government work programs. During the assignment period, students assist in implementing school entrepreneurship, carrying out computer-based national assessments (ANBK), and repairing school websites.
In school entrepreneurship, students assist schools in providing business ideas/ideas, conducting research and preparing raw materials, making school entrepreneurship proposals, implementing school entrepreneurship, and preparing school entrepreneurship accountability reports.
The computer-based national assessment (ANBK) is carried out by students in collaboration with school operators during its implementation. During the computer-based national assessment period students assist schools in assisting students when there are technical problems related to information technology.
Repairs to the school website were carried out by students as a request from the school due to disinformation regarding the condition of schools on the internet as well as reactivating school bloggers which had not been running well for a long time.

Analysis of Program Implementation Results

Based on the results of the implementation of the program that has been carried out by students during the assignment period. The results obtained are that students in the target school are very enthusiastic and easily absorb learning material with various methods that have been given by previous students. At home. This cannot be separated from the influences, conditions, struggles, constraints, and support of the students' families while carrying out their education in the target schools.
Students during the assignment period not only help students in improving literacy and numeracy skills or academic abilities, but students also help in terms of strengthening the Pancasila character and becoming peer counselors. Students are always taught to understand religious values, manners, and discipline. This can be the beginning of changes in student character in the future.
The work program plans that have been prepared and implemented by students while teaching at SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya have had quite a good impact on an innovative and fun learning culture. However, in terms of increasing literacy and numeracy, the target schools have not experienced significant changes. This cannot be separated from the influences, conditions, struggles, constraints, and support from the students' families while carrying out their education in the target schools.
Assisting Technology Adaptation
Based on the results of the implementation of the program that has been carried out by students during the assignment period. The results obtained were that the technological adaptation provided to target schools in the form of information technology training was very effective in helping students take part in the implementation of the minimum competency assessment (AKM) and the computer-based national assessment (ANBK). This difference was felt by students when they first carried out a minimum competency assessment (AKM) simulation because during the pandemic, students did not do learning or practice in computer laboratories. During the simulation, all students experienced confusion with the features and parts of the computer, however, gradually with frequent practice and the presence of IT training work programs, it finally made students confident and able to take the test well.
In the IT training work program students who are very enthusiastic and can follow the learning well and quickly are in grade 7 while grades 8 and grade 9 are less interested because they have received the compiled curriculum when they were in elementary school. However, along with the practice and implementation of IT training work programs, it has brought significant changes for students in the use of information technology.
Helping School Administration and Teachers
Based on the results of the implementation of the program that has been carried out by students during the assignment period. The results obtained are that the implementation of administration by the school has been going well; however, the school is experiencing a shortage of human resources in implementing government work programs.
In school entrepreneurship, students are interested and enthusiastic in making fried meatballs (basreng) businesses. In addition, during the implementation of school entrepreneurship, students learn a lot about how to run a business or business, how to do a promotion, what are the stages of production and packaging, and how to manage finances properly. The interesting thing that happened during the implementation of school entrepreneurship was that the majority of students were bored with the products sold by the school, which made students conduct research again regarding potential products that could be sold later.
The implementation of the computer-based national assessment (ANBK) in the target schools has gone well and smoothly, this cannot be separated from the preparation and support made by both the school and students in preparing it. Students during the simulation period until the implementation helps the school in preparing the things needed in carrying out the test.
In repairing the school's website, students help improve disinformation regarding the state of the school on the internet. However, students experience difficulties because schools do not have access to change the length on the internet, while regarding student bloggers, they have reactivated and added content by collaborating with journalistic extracurriculars. .



Based on the discussion above, the following conclusions can be drawn, the Campus Teaching Program activities Batch 4 at SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya have been carried out well during the four months of the assignment period. During the assignment period, students are assigned teammates from various universities and study programs in Indonesia. In addition, students are also given the mandate to draft a work program in order to support the three main objectives of the campus teaching program. Of course there are work program designs that have been implemented during the assignment period, of course there are work programs that can be realized and there are also work programs that cannot be implemented properly. As for work programs that can be realized well in the target schools during the assignment period, namely, AKM pre-test, library rehabilitation, reading wall magazines, school entrepreneurship focus group discussions (FGD), library visits, math wall magazines, school entrepreneurship, Maulid Nabi activities , repair of school website, information technology (IT) training, submitting requests for book assistance to agencies, AKM post-test, student poetry works, clean and healthy Fridays, wall magazines on the memory of campus students teaching batch 4, rehabilitation of reading corners, dream trees, movement reading corners, literacy ambassadors, and the last work program before carrying out student withdrawals with DPL and the school on December 2, 2022, namely, commemorating national teacher's day. All work program designs that have been prepared together can be implemented properly at SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya and get quite satisfactory results.


Based on the conclusions, constructive suggestions are made to the following parties,
To the Teaching Campus Program Team, namely first to conduct an analysis and record all the limitations and obstacles experienced by students during the assignment period so that the program team can develop policies and relevant debriefing materials in accordance with the conditions in the field; second, it is hoped that the program team can send a monitoring and evaluation team to provide assistance to students who experience conflicts with the school during the assignment period; third, taking disciplinary action against students who delay daily activity reports (log books) for weeks or months; Fourth, socializing and coordinating with universities for students who do not get the opportunity to convert 20 credits.
To the SMP Dhaniswara Surabaya, namely, first to be able to continue the good culture regarding literacy and numeracy, technology adaptation, and school administration that students have built during the assignment period; second, to be able to further activate supporting classes such as computer laboratories and natural science laboratories in assisting learning activities.


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