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Empirical Comparison of Higher-Order Mutation Testing and Data-Flow Testing of C# with the Aid of Genetic Algorithm








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06 June 2023


07 June 2023

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Data-Flow and Higher-Order Mutation are white-box testing techniques. To our knowledge, no work has been proposed to compare data flow and higher-order mutation. This paper compares all def-uses data-flow and second-order mutation criteria. This compassion investigates the subsumption relation between these two criteria and evaluates the effectiveness of test data developed for each. To compare the two criteria, a set of test data satisfying each criterion is generated, which is used to explore whether one criterion subsumes the other criterion and assess the effectiveness of the test set that was developed for one methodology in terms of the other. The results showed that the mean mutation coverage ratio of the all du-pairs adequate test cover is 80.9%, and the mean data flow coverage ratio of the 2nd-order mutant adequate test cover is 98.7%. Consequently, 2nd-order mutation “ProbSubsumes” the all du-pairs data flow. The failure detection efficiency of the mutation (98%) is significantly better than the failure detection efficiency of data flow (86%). Consequently, 2nd-order mutation testing is “ProbBetter” than all du-pairs data flow testing. In contrast, the size of the test suite of 2nd-order mutation is more significant than the size of the test suite of all du-pairs.
Subject: Computer Science and Mathematics  -   Computer Science

1. Introduction

Data flow and mutation testing are two standard white-box testing methodologies [1]. The two methodologies are more effective and widespread than the other white testing criteria, such as statement and branch coverage [2]. Besides, data flow and mutation coverage criteria subsume statement and branch coverage requirements [2].
There are only a few studies have been presented to compare and evaluate the differences between data flow and mutation testing concerning 1) effectiveness: number of faults detected by each approach; and 2) efficiency: number of test cases needed by each approach for creating an adequate test suite [2,3,4,5]. Some of the previous studies have analytically compared mutation and data flow [5,6] and other studies have empirically compared them [2,3,4,7].
To the best of our knowledge, the key study for comparing data flow and mutation testing techniques was proposed by Mathur and Wong in 1994 [3]. Mathur and Wong [3] and [8] manually designed test data to meet all-uses and mutation criteria and compare the scores to check the “ProbSubsumes” relationship between the two criteria. The experiment consisted of four programs and thirty groups of test data for each program. The results showed that mutation-cover was closer to satisfying data flow than data flow-cover was to mutation. In their study, Mathur and Wong compared two test adequacy criteria, called data flow-based all-uses criterion and mutation-based criterion. This research compared the hardness of fulfilling the two criteria and the cost of each of them. They showed that satisfying the mutation criterion was more challenging than all du-pairs.
Offutt and Voas [4] presented a comparison of mutation with all-defs data flow testing. They concluded that mutation cover subsumes all-defs cover (i.e., “any set of test cases that satisfies mutation will also satisfy all-defs”). The experiment consisted of ten programs and five groups of test data for each program generated using different methods. They also studied the fault detection ability of the generated tests.
Tewary and Harrold [9] developed techniques for seeding faults into the code under test utilizing the “program dependence graph.” Then, they compared the fault-revealing capability of mutation and data flow. The results showed that the sufficient test sets for mutation and data flow were nearly equally successful in revealing the faults.
Offutt and Voas [4] concluded that no experiment could prove that one test approach is superior to another. Still, additional and dissimilar programs and studies can improve confidence in the validity of the relationship between the testing criteria.
Therefore, this paper introduces a new comparison between mutation and data flow testing. The significant contribution of this comparison is utilizing search-based algorithms to generate the test sets. In addition to the new test-data generation approach, this study uses a new set of C# programs different from the related work.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents some essential concepts about data flow and higher order mutation testing for understanding this article. Section 3 introduces in detail the proposed empirical comparison. Section 4 gives the experiments and results. finally, the conclusion and future work are given in Section 5.

2. Data flow and Mutation Testing

Below are the basic concepts of data flow testing and higher order mutation testing. Also, the expected relationships between the testing criteria are introduced.

2.1. Data Flow Testing

In any program, a limited number of actions can happen to a variable with the following events:
Definition: A statement loading a value in the memory space of the “variable” makes a definition (def) of that “variable”.
Use: A statement reading a value from the memory slot of the “variable” is a use of the currently active definition of the “variable”.
Data flow analysis [10] uses the control flow graph of the program to find the def-use pairs.
A program may be represented by a graph, with “a set of nodes” and “a set of edges”, called the control flow graph (CFG). Each “node” represents a statement and each edge is a possible control flow between the nodes.
Defs and c-uses are associated with nodes, but p-uses are associated with edges. Def-use associations are represented by triples, (v, s, u), where the value of variable v defined in statement s is used in statement or edge u.
In Figure 1, the triples (X, 4, 7) and (A, 2, (5,6)) represents def-use associations.
In order to determine the set of paths that satisfy the all-uses criterion, it is necessary to determine the defs of every variable in the program and the uses that might be affected by these defs [11].

2.2. Higher-Order Mutation

The mutation testing technique targets finding the test data, evaluating their efficiency, and simulating the other test coverage criteria [12,13]. The mechanism of mutation testing depends on injecting the targeted program with an error or more to get faulty versions called mutants [12]. A mutant is killed if the output of executing the program against a test datum differs from the output of the mutant. A mutant is alive if the output of executing the program and the mutant against all test data are the same in the current test suite. An alive mutant is “equivalent” if the output of executing the program and the mutant against all possible test data are the same.
The first-order mutation was suggested by DeMillo and Hamlet [14,15] via seeding a single error inside the program. Jia and Harman [12] proposed the higher-order mutation via seeding double errors or more in the program. Table 1 introduces examples of first-, second-, and third-order mutants.
The quality of data to detect errors is calculated using the mutation score (Equation (1)).
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2.3. Relationship between testing criteria

Weyuker, Weiss, and Hamlet [16] proposed a relationship between any two testing criteria called “ProbBetter”. According to this relationship, “a testing criterion c1 is “ProbBetter” than c2 for a program P if a randomly selected test set T that satisfies c1 is more “likely” to detect a failure than a randomly selected test set that satisfies c2”.
Mathur and Wong [3] proposed another relationship between any two testing criteria called “ProbSubsumes”. According to this relationship, “a testing criterion c1 “ProbSubsumes” c2 for a program P if a test set T that is adequate with respect to c1 is “likely” to be adequate with respect to c2”.

3. The Proposed Approach

In this section, we describe the phases that comprise the proposed approach. The system is written in C# and consists of the following modules:
1. Program analyzer.
2. Mutant generator.
3. Test data generator.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the proposed approach. In the following, we will discuss these modules in details.

3.1. Program analyzer module

This module accepts the original program P in C# programming language as input. Then it analyses the original program to collect vital information to find the def-use associations. In addition, it instruments the original program with probes to identify the executed parts of the original program.
The output of this phase includes:
  • An Instrumented version (P’) of the given original program. The system instruments the assigned programs with software probes. During program execution, these probes cause the number of each traversed line to be recorded to keep track of the path traveled during the execution.
  • The static analysis reports contain information about the components of each program: classes, objects, statements, variables, and functions.
  • The control flow graph for the tested program.
  • The list of variables def-use pairs for the tested program.

3.2. Mutant generator module

This module accepts the original program P in C# programming language as input. Then it passes the tested program into CREAM, which applies a set mutation operator to create a set of mutants. CREAM (Creator of Mutants) is a tool that introduces minor faults called mutations into C# programs. It is helpful to investigate the quality of a mutated program and the effectiveness of a prepared test suite. The CREAM system generates several object-oriented types of faults, puts them into the code of the original program according to its parsed trees, and compiles the modified sources. Obtained assemblies can be tested by measuring the number of revealed modifications. The output of this phase is a set of mutants.

3.3. Test data generator module

Test-data generation in software testing identifies a set of program input data that satisfy a given test-coverage criterion. This phase uses the GA algorithm [17] to generate test cases to cover all def-use pairs of the given program or its mutant. Then, the tested program is executed with the test cases generated by the GA.
To apply the concepts of GAs to the problem of test-data creation, the GAs-based test-data generation techniques perform the following tasks:
  • Consider the population to be sets of test data (test suite). Each set of test data is represented by a binary string called chromosome.
  • Find the sets of test data that represent the initial population. These sets can be randomly generated according to the format and type of data used by the program under test or it may be input to the GAs.
  • Determine the fitness of each individual of the population, which is based on a fitness function that is problem dependent.
  • Select two individuals that will be combined by some way to contribute to the next generation.
  • Apply the crossover and mutation processes.
  • The input to this phase includes:
  • Instrumented version of the program to be tested.
  • List of def-use paths to be covered.
  • Number of program input variables.
  • Domain and precision of input data.
  • Population size.
  • Maximum no. of generations.
  • Probabilities of crossover and mutation.
The output of this phase includes:
  • A dynamic analysis report that shows the traversed path(s) and list of covered and uncovered def-use pairs after executing the given program with the test cases generated by the GA.
  • Set of test cases (du pairs cover) that cover the def-use paths of the given program, if possible. The GA may fail to find test cases to cover some of the specified def-use paths when they are infeasible (i.e., no test data can be found by the GA to cover them).
  • Set of test cases (mutants cover) that cover the mutant.

4. The experiments and results

This section presents the experiment to assess the efficiency of the two testing criteria and their relationship. The investigation studies the “ProbBetter” and “ProbSubsumes” relationships of the two criteria: mutation and def-use. We run the proposed method (given in Figure 2) for the original codes of a selected set of C# programs.

4.1. Subject programs

The subject programs were designated as a group of C# programs utilized in the experiments in numerous types of research [18,19]. Table 2 briefly describes the specifications of the subject programs.

4.2. Mutant generator

The current work applied the CREAM [20] tool in the experiment to generate the mutants. Derezi`nska presented a set of specific C# mutation operators [21,22] and implemented those operators in a C# tool called CREAM [20].

4.3. GA parameters setup

The genetic algorithm parameters were set up after a set of trial runs. GA settings are adapted to create a test suite of 20 tests (i.e., population size is 20), and GA iterates itself 100 times (i.e., the maximum number of generations is 100). It has been applied 30 times on the same machine for each subject program. The proposed GA used the single point crossover with probability = 0.8 and the flip bit mutation with probability = 0.15. After setting up the parameters of the genetic algorithms and the configurations of the CREAM tool, the following procedure was applied to each one of the subject programs given in Table 2.
Each subject program is passed to the analyzer to find the du-pairs and the mutant generator (the CREAM tool) to find the 1st-order and the 2nd-order mutants. Table 3 gives the programs’ titles (in column 1), the number of 1st-order mutants (in column 2), the number of killable 1st-order mutants (in column 3), the number of 2nd-order mutants (in column 4), the number of killable 2nd-order mutants (in column 5), the number of killable 2nd-order mutants that affect du-pairs (in column 6), and the number of du-pairs for each subject program (in column 7). This process is performed for each subject program as follows.
  • Apply the CREAM tool to generate 1st order mutants.
  • Generate the 2nd-order mutants for each program by applying the CREAM tool on all 1st-order mutants.
  • Eliminate the 2nd-order mutants that are stillborn, equivalent, or don't contain a def or use for any du-pairs.
  • Generate the def-uses pairs for each program.
  • Eliminate the stillborn and the equivalent mutants from the 1st and 2nd-order mutants.
  • Find the killable 2nd-order mutants that affect the du-pairs.

4.4. Comparison hypotheses

The mutation and data flow testing criteria will be compared according to the two relationship “ProbBetter” [16] and “ProbSubsumes” [3]. In this comparison the following hypotheses are formulated:
2nd-order mutation testing “ProbSubsumes” all du-pairs data flow testing.
All du-pairs data flow testing “ProbSubsumes” 2nd-order mutation testing.
2nd-order mutation testing “ProbBetter” all du-pairs data flow testing.
All du-pairs data flow testing “ProbBetter” 2nd-order mutation testing.

4.5. Experimental Results

  • i. Coverage cost
For each subject program, the genetic algorithm finds a test cover to execute all du-pairs and another test cover to execute the du-based killable 2nd-order mutants. The genetic algorithm has been applied many times to get more accurate results. The genetic algorithm has been applied three times on each subject program to find an adequate cover for the du-based mutants. In the same way, the genetic algorithm has been run on each subject program three times to find a sufficient covering for all du-pairs. The average number of the obtained test cases was computed for each subject program (given in Table 4). Table 5 gives the statistical results of the t-Test for the test-covers of the two criteria.
The data given in Table 4 shows that all du-pairs testing criterion needs 20.3 test cases (on average) to cover all the set of du-pairs for each tested program. Furthermore, the 2nd-order mutation testing criterion requires 59.1 test cases (on average) to kill all 2nd-order mutants for each tested program. The statistical results of the t-Test (given in Table 5) show that the size of the test cover of all du-pairs criterion is significantly smaller than the size of the test cover of the 2nd-order mutation criterion.
ii. Coverage adequacy
To investigate the “ProbSubsumes” relationship between the two testing criteria, each tested program is executed using the adequate test set concerning the 2nd-order mutation testing criterion; and the adequacy concerning the all du-pairs testing criterion is measured. In addition, each tested program is executed using the adequate test set concerning the all du-pairs testing criterion; and the adequacy concerning the 2nd-order mutation testing criterion is measured.
The mutants coverage of the all du-pairs adequate test cover is given in Table 6, and the du-pairs coverage of the 2nd-order mutants adequate test cover is given in Table 7. The coverage ratio for each of the three test suites are presented, as well as the average mutation and data flow coverages. Table 8 shows the statistical comparison between the obtained coverages and their significant difference. Figure 3 shows the mutual coverage of all du-pairs and 2nd-order mutation criteria.
The mean mutation coverage ratio of the all du-pairs adequate test cover is 80.9%, and the mean data flow coverage ratio of the 2nd-order mutant adequate test cover is 98.7%. Therefore, one can accept H1 and reject H2. Consequently, 2nd-order mutation testing “ProbSubsumes” the all du-pairs data flow testing.
iii. Failure detection efficiency
A set of faults is seeded into each tested program to investigate the “ProbBetter” [16] relationship between the two testing criteria. Each program is executed using the adequate test suites of the 2nd-order mutation and all du-pairs criteria. Then, the failure detection efficiency of each test suite is estimated. The number of faults seeded into each program is given in the second column of Table 9, while the third and fourth columns give the failure detection ratio for the test suite of the two criteria. The total number of faults seeded into the tested programs is 10565 faults (1056 faults on average, 2459 faults on maximum, and 109 on minimum).
Failure detection efficiency of the 2nd-order mutation is 98% (on average), while failure detection efficiency of the all du-pairs is 86% (on average). In addition, the 2nd-order mutation criterion detects all the seeded faults in 7 out of 10 tested programs, while the all du-pairs criterion failed to detect 100% of faults in any tested program. Figure 4 shows the failure detection efficiency of the two criteria.
Table 10 shows the statistical comparison between the obtained failure detection efficiency and their significant difference. According to the results of the t-Test, the P-value (9.195E-05) is less than 0.05; therefore, the failure detection efficiency of the mutation (98%) is significantly better than the failure detection efficiency of data flow (86%). Therefore, one can accept H3 and reject H4. Consequently, 2nd-order mutation testing is “ProbBetter” than the all du-pairs data flow testing.

5. Conclusion and Future work

Data flow and higher-order mutation are white-box testing methodologies, and these two methodologies are the most popular and successful white-box testing techniques. This paper presented an empirical comparison of all def-uses data flow and second-order mutation criteria. This compassion investigated the subsumption relation between these two criteria and evaluated the effectiveness of test data developed for each. The results showed that the mean mutation coverage ratio of the all du-pairs adequate test cover is 80.9%, and the mean data flow coverage ratio of the 2nd-order mutant adequate test cover is 98.7%. Consequently, 2nd-order mutation testing “ProbSubsumes” the all du-pairs data flow testing. The failure detection efficiency of the mutation (98%) is significantly better than the failure detection efficiency of data flow (86%). Consequently, 2nd-order mutation testing is “ProbBetter” than the all du-pairs data flow testing. In contrast, the size of the test suite of 2nd-order mutation is bigger than the size of the test suite of all du-pairs. In future work, more testing criteria will be compared with higher-order mutation testing.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the approval and the support of this research study by the grant no. CSCR-2022-11-1709 from the Deanship of Scientific Research at Northern Border University, Arar, K.S.A.


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Figure 1. Def-c-uses for the variable X and def-p-uses for the variable A.
Figure 1. Def-c-uses for the variable X and def-p-uses for the variable A.
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Figure 2. Overall chart of the proposed approach.
Figure 2. Overall chart of the proposed approach.
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Figure 3. Mutual coverage of all du-pairs and 2nd-order mutation.
Figure 3. Mutual coverage of all du-pairs and 2nd-order mutation.
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Figure 4. Failure detection efficiency.
Figure 4. Failure detection efficiency.
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Table 1. FOM and HOM examples.
Table 1. FOM and HOM examples.
Mutated version
1st Order Higher Order Mutant
2nd Order 3rd Order
double n, m
double d=n*m
double d= n/m
double n, m
double d=n+m
double d= n/m
double n, m
double d=n+m
double d= n-m
double n, m
double d=n+m
double d= n-m++
Table 2. The subject programs.
Table 2. The subject programs.
Title Description Scale
Triangle find the type of triangle according to its sides’ lengths. 52 LOC
Sort arrange a group of items 40 LOC
Stack using push method to enter a group of elements and using pop method to delete element from stack. 51 LOC
Reversed returns the array after inverting the elements 44 LOC
Clock return the time in hours, minutes and seconds 63 LOC
Quotient return the quotient and the remainder of the division between two numbers 43 LOC
Product find the summation, multiplication and subtraction of three numbers. 54 LOC
Area find the areas of any circle, triangle or rectangle. 59 LOC
Dist calling variables with more than one object and printing their dependent values with each call 52 LOC
Middle find the middle value of three numbers. 42 LOC
Table 3. No. of 1st-order, no. of 2nd-order, and no. of du-pairs.
Table 3. No. of 1st-order, no. of 2nd-order, and no. of du-pairs.
Tested Program all 1st order killable 1st order all 2nd order killable 2nd order du-based killable
2nd order
Triangle 163 146 30799 23799 2459 102
Sort 120 104 15960 11547 2333 95
Stack 70 57 5146 3507 354 68
Reversed 98 78 10444 6620 956 77
Clock 78 74 7638 7036 109 64
Quotient 156 140 27184 21338 2597 89
Product 117 101 17018 12321 759 71
Area 112 88 15555 8656 405 64
Dist 83 73 9207 6774 274 64
Middle 74 70 6876 5458 319 70
Total 1071 931 145827 107056 10565 764
Table 4. du-pairs and 2nd order mutants cover size.
Table 4. du-pairs and 2nd order mutants cover size.
Tested Program Cover size of
2nd order mutants
Cover size of
all du-pairs
Triangle 71.3 21.3
Sort 18.3 6.7
Stack 49.3 21.0
Reversed 34.7 15.3
Clock 101.3 32.7
Quotient 34.3 16.3
Product 79.7 21.3
Area 89.3 30.7
Dist 80.7 24.7
Middle 32.3 12.7
Average 59.1 20.3
Table 5. Test: paired two sample for means of cover size.
Table 5. Test: paired two sample for means of cover size.
2nd-order mutant du-pairs
Mean 59.13 20.27
Variance 824.4 62.96
P(T<=t) two-tail 2.77E-04
Table 6. 2nd-order mutant coverage ratio using all du-pairs cover.
Table 6. 2nd-order mutant coverage ratio using all du-pairs cover.
Tested Program Suite1 Suite2 Suite3 Average
Triangle 98% 100% 98% 98.7%
Sort 96% 96% 96% 95.6%
Stack 89% 100% 89% 92.6%
Reversed 100% 100% 100% 100%
Clock 100% 100% 100% 100%
Quotient 100% 100% 100% 100%
Product 100% 100% 100% 100%
Area 100% 100% 100% 100%
Dist 100% 100% 100% 100%
Middle 100% 100% 100% 100%
Average 98.3% 99.6% 98.3% 98.7%
Table 7. All du-pairs coverage ratio using 2nd-order mutant cover.
Table 7. All du-pairs coverage ratio using 2nd-order mutant cover.
Tested Program Suite1 Suite2 Suite3 Average
Triangle 80% 82% 80% 81%
Sort 85% 85% 85% 85%
Stack 89% 85% 85% 86%
Reversed 75% 80% 75% 77%
Clock 80% 80% 80% 80%
Quotient 70% 73% 70% 71%
Product 78% 80% 75% 78%
Area 80% 83% 88% 84%
Dist 79% 90% 79% 83%
Middle 85% 85% 85% 85%
Average 80.1% 82.3% 80.2% 80.9%
Table 8. t-Test: paired two sample for means of coverage ratio.
Table 8. t-Test: paired two sample for means of coverage ratio.
2nd-order mutant du-pairs
Mean 98.7% 80.9%
Variance 0.1% 0.2%
P(T<=t) two-tail 1.11E-05
Table 9. Failure detection ratio of 2nd-order mutation and all du-pairs test suites.
Table 9. Failure detection ratio of 2nd-order mutation and all du-pairs test suites.
Tested Program No. of faults failure detection efficiency
2nd-order mutation du-pairs
Triangle 2459 98% 91%
Sort 2333 96% 84%
Stack 354 89% 72%
Reversed 956 100% 82%
Clock 109 100% 75%
Quotient 2597 100% 92%
Product 759 100% 93%
Area 405 100% 86%
Dist 274 100% 89%
Middle 319 100% 92%
Total = 10565 Average = 98% Average = 86%
Table 10. t-Test: paired two sample for means of failure detection ratio.
Table 10. t-Test: paired two sample for means of failure detection ratio.
2nd-order mutant du-pairs
Mean 98.3% 85.7%
Variance 0.1% 0.6%
P(T<=t) two-tail 9.195E-05
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