Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Industrial Insights on Digital Twins in Manufacturing: Application Landscape, Current Practices, and Future Needs

Version 1 : Received: 5 May 2023 / Approved: 6 May 2023 / Online: 6 May 2023 (11:08:40 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

D’Amico, R.D.; Addepalli, S.; Erkoyuncu, J.A. Industrial Insights on Digital Twins in Manufacturing: Application Landscape, Current Practices, and Future Needs. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2023, 7, 126. D’Amico, R.D.; Addepalli, S.; Erkoyuncu, J.A. Industrial Insights on Digital Twins in Manufacturing: Application Landscape, Current Practices, and Future Needs. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2023, 7, 126.


The digital twin (DT) research field is experiencing rapid expansion, yet the research in industrial practices in this area remains poorly understood. This paper aims to address this knowledge gap by sharing feedback and future requirements from the manufacturing industry. The methodology employed in this study involves an examination of a survey that received 99 responses and interviews with 14 experts from 10 prominent UK organisations, most of which are in the defence industry in the UK. The survey and interviews explored topics such as DT design, return on investment, drivers, inhibitors, and future directions for DT development in manufacturing. The study findings indicate that DTs should possess characteristics such as adaptability, scalability, interoperability, and the ability to support assets throughout their entire life cycle. On average, completed DT projects reach the break-even point in less than two years. The primary motivators behind DT development were identified to be autonomy, customer satisfaction, safety, awareness, optimisation, and sustainability. Meanwhile, the main obstacles include a lack of expertise, funding, and interoperability. The study concludes that the federation of twins and a paradigm shift in industrial thinking are essential components for the future of DT development.


digital twins; federation of twins; industrial current practices; interviews; review; survey


Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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