Version 1
: Received: 27 April 2023 / Approved: 29 April 2023 / Online: 29 April 2023 (08:05:41 CEST)
How to cite:
Hafizov, G.; Suleymanova, S.; Askerova, A.; Piriyeva, M.; Hafizov, S. Chemical and Physical Properties of Some Cultivars of Hazelnuts Grown in Azerbaijan. Preprints2023, 2023041228.
Hafizov, G.; Suleymanova, S.; Askerova, A.; Piriyeva, M.; Hafizov, S. Chemical and Physical Properties of Some Cultivars of Hazelnuts Grown in Azerbaijan. Preprints 2023, 2023041228.
Hafizov, G.; Suleymanova, S.; Askerova, A.; Piriyeva, M.; Hafizov, S. Chemical and Physical Properties of Some Cultivars of Hazelnuts Grown in Azerbaijan. Preprints2023, 2023041228.
APA Style
Hafizov, G., Suleymanova, S., Askerova, A., Piriyeva, M., & Hafizov, S. (2023). Chemical and Physical Properties of Some Cultivars of Hazelnuts Grown in Azerbaijan. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hafizov, G., Mahira Piriyeva and Samir Hafizov. 2023 "Chemical and Physical Properties of Some Cultivars of Hazelnuts Grown in Azerbaijan" Preprints.
Hazelnuts are one of the most valuable nuts in the world due to their unique organoleptic properties and nutritional characteristics. This work was intended to analyze some physical and chemical properties of various hazelnut cultivars grown in Zakataly (Azerbaijan), namely Ata-baba, Elbari, Topqara, Firovan, Nasimi, Qalib, Mirzebeyli, Tala, Dash findiq, Barli, Azeri and Sachaqli. In general, the results showed statistically significant differences between the studied cultivars. The density of kernels, depending on the hazelnut cultivars, varied from 0.71 g/cm3 (Azeri) up to 1. 03 g/sm3 (Sachaqli). The peeled fruits of Dash findiq were heavier on average (1.64±0.34 g), and the peeled fruits of Nasimi, Qalib, Mirzebeyli and Sachaqli were lighter on average (0.8±0.23 g, 0.8±0.31 g, 0.8±0.20 g and 0.80±0.09 g, respectively. In the unpeeled form, Dash findiq nuts were the heaviest (3.70±0.34 g), and Nasimi and Qalib nuts were the lightest of all cultivars (2.0 ±0.48 g and 2.0 ±0.36 g, respectively). Ata-baba nuts account for 49 masses per kernel. %, in other studied cultivars - 33.3- 45.3 wt. %. Nasimi nuts are rounded (in the equatorial zone); Tala, Ata-baba, Firovan and Azeri - rounded-oblong; Topqara, Barli and Dash findiq – oblong; Elbari, Qalib, Mirzebeyli and Sachaqli - elongated. Firovan, Tala and Topqara have thicker shells. Ata-baba is significantly ahead of other varieties in the yield of kernels (490 kg / 1 ton of nuts), Tala is in second place in this indicator (453 kg / 1 ton of nuts), Topqara is in third (433 kg/ 1 ton of nuts). According to the maximum fat content, the cultivars Mirzebeyli (77.00±2.20 g/100 g of kernels) and Firovan (75.0±3.08 u/100 kernels), protein - Sachaqli (16.02±0.50 u/100 kernels) and Ata-baba (15.92±0.48 g/100 g of kernels) were distinguished. The results of this study help to better understand the differences between some varieties of hazelnuts grown in Azerbaijan, which provides important clues for all players involved in this sector.
Azerbaijan; hazelnuts; local varieties; biometric characteristics; physical properties; chemical composition
Biology and Life Sciences, Horticulture
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