1. Introduction
1.1. Vocational Domains for Migrants and Refugees
Migrant employees face multiple challenges deriving from discrimination due to country of origin, nationality, culture, sex, etc. [
4], while for women in particular, finding employment in high-skill vocations, besides teaching and nursing, is observed to be especially difficult [
5]. A deciding factor regarding the prospects of employment for displaced communities, like migrants and refugees, is the knowledge of not the language of their host country in general, but specifically of the sublanguage of the vocational domain they are interested in working. As a result, highly-skilled migrants and refugees finding employment in low-skill vocations, despite their professional qualifications and educational background, has become a global tendency, with the language barrier being one of the most important factors [
The scope of vocational domains for displaced communities and analyses on their situation in the host country and in their country of origin were examined in recent literature, considering the impact on their work-life balance [
4]. Both high-skill and low-skill vocations in hospitality, cleaning, manufacturing, retail, crafting, and agriculture consist the most common vocational domains in which migrants and refugees seek and find employment, according to the findings of the recent research [
8]. It is also important to note that unemployment usually affects more the displaced communities than the natives [
9]. Overworking, however, due to low-paid jobs, is thriving, as migrants and refugees struggle to increase their earnings, in their efforts to maintain living standards, afford childcare and be able to send remittances to remaining family in their country of origin [
1.2. Wikipedia and Social Networks
With the expansion of the user base of wikis and social networks in the last decade, user-generated content has increased in great amounts. This content provides a valuable source of data for various tasks and applications in data mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning. Wikipedia
1 is an open data wiki covering a wide scope of topic-related articles written in many languages [
10]. Wikipedia’s content generation is a constant collective process derived from the collaboration of its users [
11]; as of April 2023, there are approximately 6.6 million Wikipedia articles written in English.
1.3. Class Imbalance Problem
Imbalanced data sets, in regards of class distribution among their examples, present several challenges in data mining and machine learning. More specifically, the number of examples representing the class of interest is considerably smaller than the ones of the other classes. As a result, standard classification algorithms have a bias towards the majority class, and consequently they tend to misclassify the minority class examples [
12]. Most commonly, the class imbalance problem is related to binary classification, though it is not uncommon to present in multi-class problems (like in this paper); since there are more than one minority class, it is more challenging to solve. The class imbalance problem is an issue that affects various aspects of real-world applications that are based on classification due to the fact that the minority class examples are the most difficult to obtain from real data, especially from user-generated content from wikis and social networks, leading a large community of researchers to examine ways to address it [
1.4. Contribution
This paper extends the contribution of the authors’ previous research [
19] by exploring the various potential directions deriving from it. The results of the machine learning experiments with the domain-specific textual data set created and preprocessed as described in [
19] were further processed and analyzed, considering 2 research directions: a. predictions analysis and b. data balancing.
More specifically, regarding the predictions analysis, important conclusions were drawn from examining which examples were classified wrongly for each class (wrong predictions) by the Gradient Boosted Trees model which managed to classify correctly most of the examples, as well as which distinct features contributed to their misclassification. In the same line of thought, regarding the correctly classified examples (correct predictions), the examination of the features that were the most dominant leading to the correct classifications for each class contributed to the identification of a primary set of terms highlighting the terminology of the vocational domains.
Regarding the data balancing direction, oversampling and undersampling techniques, both separately and in combination as a hybrid approach, were applied on the data set, in order to observe their impact (positive or negative) on the performance of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost model. A novel methodology is proposed in this paper for the first time, consisting of successive applications of SMOTE oversampling on imbalanced data, balancing the data considering which is the minority class each time, in 4 steps. By running the experiments following this methodology, the impact of every class distribution, from completely imbalanced to completely balanced, on the performance of the machine learning model can be examined thoroughly. The process of the class balancing direction enabled the comparison of the performance of this model with balanced data to the performance of the same model with imbalanced data from the previous research [
19]. The findings derived from the machine learning experiments of this paper are in accordance with those of the relevant literature [
17], in terms that data oversampling obtains better results than data undersampling in imbalanced data sets, while hybrid approaches perform reasonably well.
1.5. Structure
The structure of this paper is the following.
Section 2 presents past related work on: a. domain identification on textual data, b. data scraping from social text, and c. data oversampling, undersampling and hybrid approaches.
Section 3 describes the stages of data set creation and preprocessing, and the feature extraction process.
Section 4 presents the research direction of predictions analysis, including both wrong and correct predictions of the
Gradient Boosted Trees model.
Section 5 presents the research direction of data balancing, including the novel methodology for successive SMOTE oversampling, as well as experiments with data undersampling and a hybrid approach.
Section 6 concludes the paper, discusses the most important findings and draws directions for future work.
2. Related Work
In this Section, recent literature on domain identification on textual data, including news articles, technical text, open data and Wikipedia articles is presented. Research on data scraping from social text, including social networks and Wikipedia is also described. Finally, findings of related work regarding data oversampling, undersampling and hybrid approaches are also analyzed.
2.1. Domain Identification on Textual Data
Domain identification performed on textual data, including news articles, social media posts, and social text data sets in general, remains an open problem and a very challenging task for researchers. The vast domain diversity along with their particular sublanguage and terminology present several challenges when undertaking domain identification on textual and linguistic data.
2.1.1. News Articles
Regarding domain identification on news articles, Hamza et al. [
20] built a data set containing news articles written in Urdu and annotated with 7 domains as classes according to their topic. Their feature set consisted of unigrams, bigrams and Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Following the stages of preprocessing, namely stopwords removal and stemming, they performed text classification to the 7 domains by employing 6 machine learning models; Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP) reached the highest accuracy of 91.4%. Their findings showed that stemming did not affect positively the performance of the models, however stopwords removal had worsened it. Another paper by Balouchzahi et al. [
21] attempted domain identification on fake news articles written in English and annotated with 6 domains according to their topic. Their ensemble of RoBERTa, DistilBERT and BERT managed up to 85.5% F1 score.
2.1.2. Technical Text
There are certain researchers who performed domain identification on technical text. Hande et al. [
22] classified scientific articles in 7 computer science domains by using transfer learning with BERT, RoBERTa and SciBERT. They found that the ensemble reaches its best performance when the weights are taken into account. In the research of Dowlagar & Mamidi [
23], experiments with BERT and XLM-ROBERTa with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on a multilingual technical data set obtained better results in comparison with experiments with Support Vector Machines (SVM) with TF-IDF and CNN. By selecting the textual data written in Telugu from same data set, Gundapu & Mamidi [
24] obtained up to 69.9% F1 score with CNN and a Self-Attention based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) network.
2.1.3. Open Data & Wikipedia Articles
Regarding domain identification on open data, Lalithsena et al. [
25] performed automatic topic identification by using Map-Reduce combined with manual validation by humans on several data sets from Linked Open Data. In order to designate distinct topics, they used specialized tags for the annotation.
In the paper of Nakatani et al. [
26], Wikipedia structural feature and term extraction was performed, aiming to score both topic coverage and topic detailedness on web search results, relevant to the related search queries. Saxena et al. [
27] built domain-specific conceptual bases using Wikipedia navigational templates. They employed a knowledge graph and then applied fuzzy logic on each article’s network metrics. In the research of Stoica et al. [
28], a Wikipedia article by topic extractor was created. Preprocessing included parsing the articles for lower-casing, stopwords removal and embedding generation. The extractor obtained high precision, recall and F1 score up to 90% with Random Forest, SVM and Extreme Gradient Boosting, along with cross-validation.
In the authors’ previous research, Nikiforos et al. [
19], automatic vocational domain identification was performed. A domain-specific textual data set from Wikipedia articles was created, along with a linguistic feature set with TF-IDF. Preprocessing included tokenization, removal of numbers, punctuation marks, stopwords and duplicates, and lemmatization. 5 vocational domains, in which displaced communities, like migrants and refugees, commonly seek and find employment, were considered as classes. Machine learning experiments were performed with Random Forest combined with AdaBoost, and Gradient Boosted Trees, with the latter obtaining the best performance with up to 99.93% accuracy and 100% F1-score.
Table 1, the performance of the related work mentioned in this subsection is shown, in terms of evaluation metrics such as accuracy and F1 score, and considering the data sets and models that procured the best results for each research paper.
2.2. Social Text Data Scraping
Data scraping and analysis of textual data from social networks and Wikipedia have been attempted in recent research. "Data analysis is the method of extracting solutions to the problems via interrogation and interpretation of data" [
29]. Despite the development of numerous web scrapers and crawlers, social data scraping and analysis of high quality still present a challenging task.
2.2.1. Social Networks
Several web scrapers were developed with Python. Scrapy, by Thomas & Mathur [
29], scraped textual data from Reddit
2 and stored them in CSV files. Another scraper, by Kumar & Zymbler [
30], scraped the Twitter API
3 to download tweets regarding particular airlines, which then were used as input for sentiment analysis and machine learning experiments with SVM and CNN, reaching up to 92.3% accuracy.
2.2.2. Wikipedia
Other web crawlers, more focused on Wikipedia data, were built. iPopulator by Lange et al. [
10] used Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and crawled Wikipedia to gather textual data from the first paragraphs of Wikipedia articles, and then used them to populate an infobox for each article. iPopulator reached up to 91% average extraction precision with 1727 infobox attributes. Cleoria and a MapReduce parser were used by Hardik et al. [
11] to download and process XML files, aiming to evaluate the link-ability factor of Wikipedia pages.
In the authors’ previous research, Nikiforos et al. [
19], a web crawler was developed by using the Python libraries BeautifulSoup4 and Requests. It scraped Wikipedia’s API, downloading textual data from 57 articles written in English, considering their relevance to 5 vocational domains in which refugees and migrant commonly seek and find employment as a criterion. The aim was to extract linguistic information concerning these domains, and perform machine learning experiments for domain identification.
2.3. Data Oversampling & Undersampling
Data sampling, either oversampling or undersampling, is one of the proposed solutions to mitigate the class imbalance problem. Resampling techniques practically change the class distribution in imbalanced data sets by creating new examples for the minority class(es) (oversampling), or removing examples from the majority class (undersampling), or doing both (hybrid) [
Several researchers proposed data undersampling techniques. Lin et al. [
13] proposed 2 undersampling strategies in which a clustering technique is applied during preprocessing; the number of clusters of the majority class were made equal to the number of data points of the minority class. In order to represent the majority class, cluster centers and nearest neighbors of the cluster centers were used by the 2 strategies, respectively. They performed experiments on 44 small-scale and 2 large-scale data sets, resulting in the second strategy approach, combined with a single multilayer perceptron and a C4.5 decision tree, performing better compared to 5 state-of-the-art approaches. Anand et al. [
14] introduced an undersampling technique and evaluated it by performing experiments on 4 real biological imbalanced data sets. Their technique improved the model sensitivity compared to weighted SVMs and other models in the related work for the same data. Yen & Lee [
15] proposed cluster-based undersampling approaches to define representative data as the training set, aiming to increase the classification accuracy for the minority class in imbalanced data sets. GarcÃa & Herrera [
16] presented evolutionary undersampling, a taxonomy of methods which considered the nature of the problem and then applied different fitness functions to achieve both class balance and high performance. Their experiments with numerous imbalanced data sets showed that evolutionary undersampling performs better than other state-of-the-art undersampling models when the imbalance is increased.
Other researchers experimented with data oversampling and hybrid approaches. Shelke et al. [
18] examined class imbalance on text classification tasks with multiple classes, addressing sparsity and high dimensionality of textual data. After applying a combination of undersampling and oversampling techniques on the data, they performed experiments with multinomial Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, and SVMs. They concluded that the effectiveness of resampling techniques is highly data dependent, while certain resampling techniques achieve better performance when combined with specific classifiers. Lopez et al. [
12] provided an extensive overview of class imbalance mitigating methodologies, namely data sampling, algorithmic modification and cost-sensitive learning. They discussed the most significant challenges of using data intrinsic characteristics in classification problems with imbalanced data sets; small disjuncts, lack of density in the training set, class overlapping, noisy data identification, borderline instances, and the data set shift between the training and the test distributions. Their experiments on imbalanced data lead to important observations on the reaction of the machine learning algorithms on data with these intrinsic characteristics. One of the most notable approaches is that of Chawla et al. [
17]. They proposed a hybrid approach for classification on imbalanced data which achieved better performance compared to exclusively undersampling the majority class. Their oversampling method, also known as SMOTE, produces synthetic minority class examples. Their experiments were performed with C4.5, Ripper and Naive Bayes, while their method was evaluated with the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) and the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) convex hull strategy. The SMOTE oversampling method is used in this paper to balance the data set (
Section 5).
3. Data Set Creation & Preprocessing
The data set which was used in the authors’ conference paper [
19] was created by scraping 57 articles written in English from Wikipedia’s API
4 with Python (BeautifulSoup4
5, Requests
6). The criterion for selecting these specific articles was their relevance to 5 vocational domains considered as the most common for refugee and migrant employment in Europe, Canada and the United States of America [
The initial textual data set comprised of 6,827 sentences extracted from the 57 Wikipedia articles. The data set was preprocessed in 4 stages, namely:
Initial preprocessing & Tokenization;
Numbers & Punctuation marks removal;
Stopwords removal;
Lemmatization & Duplicates removal.
The data set was tokenized initially to 6827 sentences and to 69,062 words; the sentences were to be used as training-testing examples, and the words as unigram features. Numbers, punctuation marks and special characters were removed. Stopwords (conjunctions, articles, adverbs, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, etc.) were also removed. Finally, lemmatization was performed to normalize the data without reducing the semantic information, and 912 duplicate sentences and 58,393 duplicate words were removed. For more details on these stages of preprocessing refer to [
Resulting from the preprocessing stages, the text data set comprised of 5915 sentences (examples) and 5 classes, ready to be used in machine learning experiments. For each sentence, the domain which was most relevant to each article’s topic, as shown in
Table 2, was considered as its class, resulting in 5 distinct classes, namely: A. Agriculture, B. Cooking, C. Crafting, D. Construction, and E. Hospitality. The distribution of the sentences to these 5 classes is shown in
Figure 1.
A RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as shown in
Figure 2, was used to extract the feature set with TF-IDF and taking into consideration the feature occurrences by pruning features which occur rarely (below 1%) or very often (above 30%), resulting in 109 unigram features. For more details on the operators and parameters of the feature extraction process refer to [
19] and RapidMiner Documentation
Resulting from the feature extraction process, the final text data set comprised of 5,915 examples, 109 features and class as label.
4. Predictions Analysis
The best results on domain identification were obtained with a
Gradient Boosted Trees8 model and are shown in
Table 3. For more information on the operators and parameters of the RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) experiment with
Gradient Boosted Trees, as shown in
Figure 3, refer to [
19] and RapidMiner Documentation.
Figure 2.
Feature extraction. The Tokenize operator is nested in the Process Documents from Data operator.
Figure 2.
Feature extraction. The Tokenize operator is nested in the Process Documents from Data operator.
With regards to the high performance of this machine learning model, it is of interest to examine which examples were classified wrongly for each class, as well as which distinct features contributed to their misclassification. In the same line of thought, regarding the correctly classified examples, the examination of the features that were the most dominant leading to the correct predictions would contribute to the identification of a primary set of terms highlighting the terminology of the vocational domains.
4.1. Wrong Predictions
Gradient Boosted Trees model showed high performance regarding all classes (
Table 3), with precision ranging from 99.78% to 100%, recall from 99.61% to 100%, F1 score from 99.70% to 100%, while misclassifying a total of 4 examples.
Explain Predictions9 operator is used to identify which features are the most dominant in forming predictions. A model and a set of examples, along with the feature set, are considered as input, in order to produce a table highlighting the features that most strongly support or contradict each prediction, also containing numeric details. For each example, a neighboring set of data points is generated, by using correlation to define the local feature weights in that neighborhood. The operator can calculate model-specific, though model-agnostic global feature weights, deriving directly from the explanations.
Explain Predictions is able to work with all data types and data sizes, and can be applied for both classification and regression problems.
In this case, in which the machine learning model (Gradient Boosted Trees) uses supervised learning, all supporting local explanations add positively to the weights for correct predictions, while all contradicting local explanations add positively to the weights for wrong predictions. Regarding the parameters for this operator, the maximal explaining attributes were set to 3 and the local sample size was left at the default (500). The sort weights parameter was set to true, along with descending sort direction of the weight values, in order to apply sorting to the resulting feature weights supporting and contradicting the predictions.
Filter Examples10 operator selects which examples are kept and which are removed. In this case, only the misclassified examples (wrong predictions) were kept. Regarding the
condition class parameter for this operator, it was set to wrong_predictions, in order to keep only those examples, where the class and prediction were different, meaning that the prediction is wrong.
In order to identify the misclassified examples, a RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as shown in
Figure 4, was designed and executed.
The 4 misclassified examples were the following:
WP1: building edifice structure roof wall standing permanently house factory;
WP2: typically whitesmiths product required decorative finish fire grate coldworking screw lathed machine;
WP3: organic food;
WP4: traditional vernacular building method suit local condition climate dispensed favour generic cookie cutter housing type.
Table 4, detailed information is provided for these wrong predictions. Class is the real class of the example, while prediction is the wrongly predicted class for the example. Confidence, with values ranging from 0 to 1, is derived from feature weights regarding both class and prediction.
The features which contributed to the wrong predictions for each class are shown in
Table 5. The effect of the value for each feature is denoted, considering whether it supports, contradicts or is neutral to the prediction. The typical value for the specific feature for each class is also provided.
4.2. Correct Predictions
The Gradient Boosted Trees model managed to classify correctly most of the examples. Regarding class A, it is of particular interest that all of its examples were classified correctly, while none of the examples of the other classes were classified wrongly to class A. Consequently, it is of significance to identify and examine which features were the most dominant leading to the correct predictions for each class, thus contributing to the identification of a primary set of terms for the vocational domains.
In order to identify the correctly classified examples, the same RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as in wrong predictions (
Figure 4), was used. The only difference with the previous experiment is that the
condition class parameter for the
Filter Examples operator was set to correct_predictions, in order to keep only those examples, where the class and prediction were the same, meaning that the prediction is correct.
Confidence, with values that can be from 0 to 1, was derived from feature weights for each class; for class A ranging from 0.49 to 0.55, for class B ranging from 0.37 to 0.55, for class C ranging from 0.48 to 0.55, for class D ranging from 0.47 to 0.55, and for class E ranging from 0.54 to 0.55. The features which were the most dominant leading to the correct predictions are shown in
Table 6 in a descending order, along with the global weights which were calculated for each one of them.
4.3. Discussion
Regarding the wrong predictions analysis, the 4 misclassified examples were successfully identified (WP1-WP4), as shown in
Table 4. More specifically, 2 examples of class D, namely WP1 and WP4, were wrongly classified to classes C and E, respectively, while 1 example of class C, WP2, was misclassified to class D, and 1 example of class B, WP3, was misclassified to class C. It is observed that for all wrong predictions, the confidence for class, which is the real class of the examples, ranges from 0.11 to 0.17 and is significantly lower than the confidence for prediction, which is the wrongly predicted class of the examples and ranges from 0.31 to 0.55. This indicates that these examples quite diverge from the other examples of their class. By examining
Table 5 and
Table 6, this observation is explained as described below.
For WP1, the value for the building feature is 1, while typically for examples of D (class) is 0 and of C (prediction) mostly 0 and sometimes 1. Considering that building is the only most dominant feature of WP1, with an assigned feature weight of 0.013, its overall impact on the prediction being neutral is expected.
For WP2, the value for the typically feature is 1, for the fire feature is 0.66, and for the product feature is 0.54, while typically the values of all these features for examples of both C (class) and D (prediction) is mostly 0 and sometimes 1. Considering that typically is the most dominant feature of WP2, with an assigned feature weight of 0.025 which is high, its overall impact on the prediction being neutral is expected. The fire and product features contradict the prediction, though due to their quite low feature weights of 0.01 and 0.015, respectively, their effect on the prediction is insignificant.
For WP3, the value for the food feature is 0.50 and for the organic feature is 0.86, while typically for examples of B (class) is 0 for both features and of C (prediction) is 1 for the food feature, and mostly 0 and sometimes 1 for the organic feature. Considering that food is the most dominant feature of WP3, with an assigned feature weight of 0.029 which is high, its overall impact on the prediction being positive (support) is expected. The organic feature also supports the prediction, though due to its quite low feature weight (0.012) its effect on the prediction is insignificant.
For WP4, the value for the local feature is 0.56, for the method feature is 0.47, and for the type feature is 0.46, while typically the values of all these features for examples of D (class) is 0 and E (prediction) is mostly 0 and sometimes 1. Considering that local is the most dominant feature of WP4, with an assigned feature weight of 0.025 which is high, its overall impact on the prediction being positive (support) is expected. The method and type features also support the prediction, with quite high feature weights of 0.02 for both, having a significant effect on the prediction.
Overall, it becomes evident that the main factor that leads the Gradient Boosted Trees model to misclassify the examples is their lack of dominant features supporting the real class more than the prediction, in terms of feature weight.
Regarding the correct predictions analysis, it is observed that the confidence for the correct predictions for all classes was considerably high, the lower being for class B in a range from 0.37 to 0.55 and the highest for class E in a range from 0.54 to 0.55. This means that the model could classify the examples of class E more confidently compared to the examples of the other classes.
Additionally, the most dominant features, in terms of feature weights, leading to the correct predictions for each class were identified successfully and sorted in a descending order, as shown in
Table 6; features with higher weight were more dominant for the correct predictions of this model than features with lower weight. 51 features, which are about half of the 109 features of the extracted feature set, have the highest feature weights, ranging from 0.02 up to 0.037. This indicates that the feature extraction process, as described in
Section 3 and [
19], performed quite well, producing a robust feature set with great impact on the correct predictions. Finally, it is also observed that among these features, terms relevant to all of the vocational domains are included, thus consisting a primary set of terms for the vocational domains.
Figure 5.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 5.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
5. Data Balancing
Another machine learning experiment on domain identification was performed with a
Random Forest11 and
AdaBoost12 model. The results of this experiment are shown in
Table 7. For more information on the operators and parameters of the RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) experiment with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost, as shown in
Figure 5 refer to [
19] and RapidMiner Documentation
Regarding the model’s accuracy of 62.33%, it is important to bear in mind that, despite being quite lower than the accuracy of the Gradient Boosted Trees model (99.93%), it is significantly above the randomness baseline by 42.33%, considering that the randomness for a 5-class problem is at 20%.
Examining the model’s results (
Table 7) more closely, it was noted that, despite its precision for classes B, C, D, and E being high, ranging from 91.52% to 98.21%, the recall for these classes was low, ranging from 31.79% to 51.30%. Also considering its low precision (49.06%) and high recall (97.60%) for class A, this examination highlighted that a lot of the examples were classified wrongly to class A. As a result, it becomes evident that the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost model tended to classify most of the examples to class A. Due to the fact that the examples of class A consist the majority of the examples in the data set (35.20%,
Figure 1), this tendency can be attributed to the imbalance of data.
Consequently, it is of interest to examine whether applying data balancing techniques on the data set (oversampling and undersampling), has any impact, positive or negative, on the performance of the Random Forest and AdaBoost model.
5.1. Data Oversampling
As a first step towards addressing data imbalance, SMOTE oversampling [
17] was applied in a successive manner on the data set, balancing the data by oversampling, regarding which is the minority class each time. Consequently, a RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as shown in
Figure 6, was designed and executed 4 times. The 4 derived oversampled data sets were then used as input for the machine learning experiments with
Random Forest and
SMOTE Upsampling14 operator practically applies the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique, as defined in the paper by Chawla et. al. [
17]. More specifically, the algorithm considers only the examples of the minority class, and the k nearest neighbours for each example are searched. Then a random example and a random nearest neighbour for this example is selected, resulting in the creation of a new example, on the line between the two examples.
Regarding the parameters for this operator, the number of neighbours was left at the default (5), while normalize and round integers were set to true, and nominal change rate was set to 0.5, in order to make the distance calculation solid. The equalize classes parameter was set to true to draw the necessary amount of examples for class balance, along with auto detect minority class set to true to automatically upsample the class with the least occurrences.
The set of machine learning experiments with successive applications of SMOTE oversampling as described below, follows a novel methodology, proposed in this paper for the first time. The methodology steps are the following:
Detect the minority class;
Resample the minority class with SMOTE oversampling;
Run the machine learning experiment;
Repeat steps 1–3 until the data set is balanced (no minority class exists).
By running the experiments following this methodology, the impact of every class distribution, from completely imbalanced to completely balanced, on the performance of the machine learning model can be examined thoroughly.
In the first machine learning experiment, class D is the minority class, with its examples representing merely the 8.8% of the data set (
Figure 1). After applying SMOTE, class D represented 27.9% of the data set with 2,083 examples (
Figure 7). The results of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
SMOTE are shown in
Table 8.
In the second machine learning experiment, class E is the minority class, with its examples representing the 10.3% of the data set (
Figure 7). After applying SMOTE, class E represented 23.7% of the data set with 2,083 examples (
Figure 8). The results of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
SMOTE (2 times) are shown in
Table 9.
In the third machine learning experiment, class C is the minority class, with its examples representing the 10.5% of the data set (
Figure 8). After applying SMOTE, class C represented 20.9% of the data set with 2083 examples (
Figure 9). The results of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
SMOTE (3 times) are shown in
Table 10.
In the fourth machine learning experiment, class B is the minority class, with its examples representing the 16.3% of the data set (
Figure 9). After applying SMOTE, class B represented 20% of the data set with 2083 examples (
Figure 10). The results of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
SMOTE (4 times) are shown in
Table 11.
Figure 10.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (4 times).
Figure 10.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (4 times).
Figure 11.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator, which is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 11.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator, which is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
5.2. Data Undersampling
In another set of experiments, undersampling was applied on the data set, balancing the data by undersampling the classes represented by the most examples. Consequently, a RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as shown in
Figure 11, was designed and executed. The derived undersampled data set was then used as input for the machine learning experiments with
Random Forest and
Sample15 operator has basic principles common to the
Filter Examples operator, taking a set of examples as input and procuring a subset of it as output. However, while
Filter Examples follows previously specified conditions,
Sample is centered on the number of examples and class distribution in the resulting subset, producing samples in a random manner.
Regarding the parameters for this operator,
sample was set to absolute, in order for it to be created consisting of an exact number of examples. The
balance data parameter was set to true, in order to define different sample sizes (by number of examples) for each class, while the class distribution of the sample was set with
sample size per class. Examples of classes A and B were reduced to 1,183 for each one, which is the mean of the number of all examples in the data set. The sample sizes for each class are shown in
Figure 12. The results of this experiment are shown in
Table 12.
A hybrid approach combining data oversampling and undersampling was also tested. In this experiment, both the
SMOTE Upsampling operator and the
Sample operator were applied on the data set, balancing the data by undersampling the classes represented by the most examples and oversampling the classes represented by the least examples, respectively. Consequently, a RapidMiner Studio (version 9.10) process, as shown in
Figure 13, was designed and executed. The derived undersampled data set was then used as input for the machine learning experiments with
Random Forest and
Regarding the parameters for
Sample and
SMOTE Upsampling, they were set in the same way as in the previous experiments. After applying them, examples of classes A and B were reduced to 1,183 for each one, which is the mean of the number of all examples in the data set, while examples of class D were added resulting also in 1,183 for this class. The sample sizes for each class are shown in
Figure 14. The results of this experiment are shown in
Table 13.
5.3. Discussion
Regarding the machine learning experiments’ results with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
SMOTE oversampling, it is observed that the accuracy and overall performance, as shown in
Table 8,
Table 9,
Table 10, and
Table 11, have improved compared to those of
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with imbalanced data, as shown in
Table 7. More specifically, accuracy has increased from 62.33% up to 66.01%, and F1 score increased from 65.29% up to 79.77% for class A, maintained up to 65.74% for class B, maintained up to 57.92% for class C, increased from 47.20% up to 70.72% for class D, and increased from 52.19% up to 65.32% for class E. It is also noteworthy that, despite the overall performance of the model getting slightly worse with each iteration (each added SMOTE oversampling), it is still significantly better than the performance of the experiment with completely imbalanced data; even the lowest accuracy (64.09%), which is that of the fourth machine learning experiment with SMOTE, is quite higher than the accuracy (62.33%) of the experiment with completely imbalanced data. Additionally, the values of precision, recall and F1 score seem to be distributed more evenly among the classes with each iteration, thus mitigating any emerging bias of the model towards one particular class. Another important observation from these experiments is that, in a classification task where 1 of the 5 vocational domains may be considered as the class of interest, e.g. for trying to exclusively detect articles of a specific vocational domain from a corpus to filter relevant content, the application of SMOTE oversampling for the class of interest would have a positive effect on the results of this classification task.
Regarding the machine learning experiments’ results with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
Sample, it is observed that the accuracy and overall performance, as shown in
Table 12, have improved slightly compared to those of
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with imbalanced data, as shown in
Table 7. More specifically, accuracy has increased from 62.33% to 62.84%, and F1 score increased from 65.29% to 77.85% for class A, reduced from 65.74% to 58.30% for class B, increased from 57.92% to 60.86% for class C, increased from 47.20% to 56.80% for class D, and increased from 52.19% to 58.14% for class E. Comparing to the results obtained with SMOTE oversampling (
Table 8,
Table 9,
Table 10, and
Table 11), undersampling has worse performance in terms of accuracy and class precision, recall and F1 score.
Regarding the machine learning experiments’ results with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
Sample and
SMOTE oversampling (hybrid approach), it is observed that the accuracy and overall performance, as shown in
Table 13, have marginally improved compared to those of
Random Forest and
AdaBoost only with
Sample (
Table 12). More specifically, accuracy has increased from 62.84% to 63.35%, and F1 score increased from 77.85% to 78.46% for class A, reduced from 58.30% to 56.17% for class B, reduced from 60.86% to 60.39% for class C, increased from 56.80% to 67.83% for class D, and reduced from 58.14% to 57.46% for class E. In any case, the performance of this experiment is better than that of the experiment with completely imbalanced data. Overall, these experiments indicate that when applying both data undersampling and oversampling in a hybrid approach, the results are better than only applying undersampling, but worse than only applying oversampling for this data set.
The findings derived from the machine learning experiments of this paper are in accordance with those of the relevant literature [
17], in terms that data oversampling obtains better results than data undersampling in imbalanced data sets, while hybrid approaches perform reasonably well.
6. Conclusions
Displaced communities, like migrants and refugees, face multiple challenges in seeking and finding employment in high-skill vocations in their host country, deriving from discrimination. Unemployment and overworking phenomena usually affect more the displaced communities than the natives. A deciding factor for their prospects of employment is the knowledge of not the language of their host country in general, but specifically of the sublanguage of the vocational domain they are interested in working. Consequently, more and more highly-skilled migrants and refugees worldwide are finding employment in low-skill vocations, despite their professional qualifications and educational background, with the language barrier being one of the most important factors. Both high-skill and low-skill vocations in agriculture, cooking, crafting, construction, and hospitality, among others, consist the most common vocational domains in which migrants and refugees seek and find employment, according to the findings of the recent research.
In the last decade, due to the expansion of the user base of wikis and social networks user-generated content has increased exponentially, providing a valuable source of data for various tasks and applications in data mining, Natural Language Processing and machine learning. However, minority class examples are the most difficult to obtain from real data, especially from user-generated content from wikis and social networks, creating a class imbalance problem that affects various aspects of real-world applications that are based on classification. Especially for multi-class problems, like the one addressed in this paper, it is more challenging to solve.
This paper extends the contribution of the authors’ previous research [
19] on automatic vocational domain identification by further processing and analyzing the results of the machine learning experiments with the domain-specific textual data set, considering 2 research directions: a. predictions analysis and b. data balancing.
Regarding the predictions analysis direction, important conclusions were drawn from identifying successfully and examining the 4 misclassified examples (WP1-WP4) for each class (wrong predictions) by the Gradient Boosted Trees model, which managed to classify correctly most of the examples, as well as which distinct features contributed to their misclassification. An important finding is that the misclassified examples quite diverge from the other examples of their class, since for all wrong predictions, the confidence for class, which is the real class of the examples, is significantly lower (from 0.11 to 0.17) than the confidence for prediction (from 0.31 to 0.55), which is the wrongly predicted class of the examples. More specifically, the feature values of WP1-WP4 are the main factor for their misclassification, by being either neutral or supporting more the wrong over the correct prediction. Even when they contradict the wrong prediction, like the features of WP2 and WP3, they do not have a significant effect due to their feature weights being quite low. In conclusion, the main factor that leads the Gradient Boosted Trees model to misclassify the examples is their lack of dominant features supporting the real class more than the prediction, in terms of feature weight.
In the same line of thought, the examination of the correctly classified examples (correct predictions) resulted in several findings. The confidence for the correct predictions for all classes was considerably high, the lower being for class B (from 0.37 to 0.55) and the highest for class E (from 0.54 to 0.55), meaning that the model could classify the examples of class E more confidently compared to the examples of the other classes. Additionally, the most dominant features, in terms of feature weights, leading to the correct predictions for each class were identified successfully and sorted in a descending order; features with higher weight were more dominant for the correct predictions of this model than features with lower weight. Another important finding concerning the most dominant features is the fact that about half of the features of the extracted feature set have the highest feature weights (from 0.02 up to 0.037), therefore indicating that the feature extraction process, as described in
Section 3 and [
19], performed quite well, producing a robust feature set with great impact on the correct predictions. It is important to note that among these features, terms relevant to all of the vocational domains are included, thus consisting a primary set of terms for the vocational domains.
Regarding the data balancing direction, oversampling and undersampling techniques, both separately and in combination as a hybrid approach, were applied on the data set, in order to observe their impact (positive or negative) on the performance of the
Random Forest and
AdaBoost model. A novel methodology is proposed in this paper for the first time, consisting of successive applications of SMOTE oversampling on imbalanced data, balancing the data considering which is the minority class each time, in 4 steps. By running the experiments following this methodology, the impact of every class distribution, from completely imbalanced to completely balanced, on the performance of the machine learning model can be examined thoroughly. The process of the class balancing direction enabled the comparison of the performance of this model with balanced data to the performance of the same model with imbalanced data from the previous research [
More specifically, the machine learning experiments’ results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE oversampling have obtained significantly improved overall performance and accuracy (up to 66.01%) compared to those of Random Forest and AdaBoost with imbalanced data, while maintaining or surpassing the achieved F1 score per class. A major finding is that, despite the overall performance of the model getting slightly worse with each iteration (each added SMOTE oversampling), it is still significantly better than the performance of the experiment with completely imbalanced data; even the lowest accuracy (64.09%), which is that of the fourth machine learning experiment with SMOTE, is quite higher than the accuracy (62.33%) of the experiment with completely imbalanced data. Moreover, the values of precision, recall and F1 score seem to be distributed more evenly among the classes with each iteration, thus mitigating any emerging bias of the model towards one particular class. Another important finding is that, in a classification task where 1 of the 5 vocational domains may be considered as the class of interest, e.g. for trying to exclusively detect articles of a specific vocational domain from a corpus to filter relevant content, the application of SMOTE oversampling for the class of interest would have a positive effect on the results of this classification task.
The machine learning experiments’ results with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
Sample showed slightly improved overall performance and accuracy (62.84%) compared to those of
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with imbalanced data, while surpassing the achieved F1 score per class, except from class B. Comparing to the results obtained with SMOTE oversampling, undersampling has worse performance in terms of accuracy and class precision, recall and F1 score. The machine learning experiments’ results with
Random Forest and
AdaBoost with
Sample and
SMOTE oversampling (hybrid approach) showed marginally improved overall performance and accuracy (63.35%) compared to those of
Random Forest and
AdaBoost only with
Sample, while surpassing the achieved F1 score for classes A and D. However, the performance of this experiment is better than that of the experiment with completely imbalanced data. In conclusion, these experiments indicate that when applying both data undersampling and oversampling in a hybrid approach, the results are better than only applying undersampling, but worse than only applying oversampling for this data set. The findings derived from the machine learning experiments of this paper are in accordance with those of the relevant literature [
17], in terms that data oversampling obtains better results than data undersampling in imbalanced data sets, while hybrid approaches perform reasonably well.
Potential directions for future work include the automatic extraction of domain-specific terminology, to be used as a component of an educational tool for sublanguage learning regarding specific vocational domains in host countries, aimed to help displaced communities, like migrants and refugees, overcome the language barrier. This terminology extraction task could use the terms (features) that were identified in this paper as the most dominant for vocational domain identification. Moreover, a more vocational domain-specific data set could be created to perform a more specialized domain identification task in vocational subdomains, especially considering the set of terms identified in this paper. Experiments with a data set consisting of either more Wikipedia articles or textual data from other wikis and social networks as data sources could be performed. Using a different feature set, e.g. with n-grams and term collocations, could also be attempted. Finally, another potential direction for future work could be the application of the novel methodology of successive SMOTE oversampling proposed in this paper in combination with undersampling techniques and/or on other imbalanced data sets, in order to test its performance in different class imbalance problems.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, K.L.K. and A.P.; methodology, M.N.N.; experiments, M.N.N.; validation, M.N.N.; formal analysis, M.N.N.; investigation, M.N.N.; resources, K.D.; data curation, K.D.; writing—original draft preparation, M.N.N.; writing—review and editing, K.L.K. and A.P.; visualization, M.N.N.; supervision, K.L.K. and A.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve |
Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory |
Convolutional Neural Network |
Conditional Random Field |
Multi-Layered Perceptron |
Natural Language Processing |
Receiver Operating Characteristic curve |
Support Vector Machine |
Term Frequency—Inverse Document Frequency |
WP |
Wrong Prediction |
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1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Figure 1.
Final distribution of sentences as training-test examples to the 5 classes.
Figure 1.
Final distribution of sentences as training-test examples to the 5 classes.
Figure 3.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Gradient Boosted Trees. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 3.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Gradient Boosted Trees. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 4.
Setup of process to identify wrong and correct predictions with Explain Predictions operator and Filter Examples operator. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 4.
Setup of process to identify wrong and correct predictions with Explain Predictions operator and Filter Examples operator. The depicted process is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 6.
Setup of SMOTE Upsampling.
Figure 6.
Setup of SMOTE Upsampling.
Figure 7.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (1 time).
Figure 7.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (1 time).
Figure 8.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (2 times).
Figure 8.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (2 times).
Figure 9.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (3 times).
Figure 9.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying SMOTE (3 times).
Figure 12.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying Sample.
Figure 12.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying Sample.
Figure 13.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample and SMOTE Upsampling. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator, which is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 13.
Setup of machine learning experiment with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample and SMOTE Upsampling. The Random Forest operator is nested in the AdaBoost operator, which is nested in a Cross Validation operator (10-fold cross validation).
Figure 14.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying Sample and SMOTE.
Figure 14.
Distribution of examples to classes after applying Sample and SMOTE.
Table 1.
Performance per research paper. Data sets and models of related work with the best results.
Table 1.
Performance per research paper. Data sets and models of related work with the best results.
Paper |
Classes |
Model |
Performance |
Hamza et al. [20] |
7 domains of Urdu news |
Accuracy: 91.4% |
Balouchzahi et al. [21] |
6 domains of English fake news |
Ensemble: RoBERTa, DistilBERT, BERT |
F1 score: 85.5% |
Hande et al. [22] |
7 computer science domains of scientific articles |
Ensemble: BERT, RoBERTa, SciBERT |
Accuracy: 92%, F1 score: 98% |
Dowlagar & Mamidi [23] |
7 multilingual technical domains |
F1 score (macro): 80.3% |
Gundapu & Mamidi [24] |
6 Telugu technical domains |
F1 score: 69.9% |
Stoica et al. [28] |
3 topic domains of Wikipedia |
BERT, Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting |
F1 score: 90% |
Nikiforos et al. [19] |
5 vocational domains of English Wikipedia |
Gradient Boosted Trees |
Accuracy: 99.9%, F1 score: 100% |
Table 2.
Wikipedia articles which were scraped to create the data set. By domain categorization.
Table 2.
Wikipedia articles which were scraped to create the data set. By domain categorization.
Agriculture 10 articles
Cooking 17 articles
Crafting 11 articles
Construction 7 articles
Hospitality 12 articles
Agriculture Glossary of agriculture Farm Farmer Environmental impact of agriculture History of agriculture Intensive farming Plant breeding Subsistence agriculture Sustainable agriculture |
Al dente Al forno Baking Charcuterie Chef Chef’s uniform Chocolate Cooking Cooking school Cooking weights and measures Cuisine Denaturation(food) Garde manger List of cooking techniques Mise en place Outdoor cooking Outline of food preparation |
Anvil Blacksmith Bladesmith Coppersmith Forge Goldsmith Gunsmith Locksmithing Metalsmith Silversmith Whitesmith |
Building Building design construction Carpentry Construction Constructor worker Glossary of construction costs Home construction |
Bellhop Casino hotel Check-in Concierge Doorman(profession) Hostel Hotel Hotel manager Maid Receptionist Resort Tourism |
Table 3.
Machine learning experiment results with Gradient Boosted Trees. Accuracy: 99.93%.
Table 3.
Machine learning experiment results with Gradient Boosted Trees. Accuracy: 99.93%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
100% |
100% |
100% |
B |
100% |
99.94% |
99.97% |
C |
99.78% |
99.89% |
99.83% |
D |
99.81% |
99.61% |
99.70% |
E |
99.87% |
100% |
99.93% |
Table 4.
Wrong predictions of Gradient Boosted Trees. Class is the real class of the example, and Prediction is the wrongly predicted class for the example. Confidence, ranging from 0 to 1, and derived from feature weights regarding both Class and Prediction is shown in the last 2 columns.
Table 4.
Wrong predictions of Gradient Boosted Trees. Class is the real class of the example, and Prediction is the wrongly predicted class for the example. Confidence, ranging from 0 to 1, and derived from feature weights regarding both Class and Prediction is shown in the last 2 columns.
No. |
Class |
Prediction |
Confidence (Class) |
Confidence (Prediction) |
WP1 |
D |
C |
0.14 |
0.41 |
WP2 |
C |
D |
0.12 |
0.48 |
WP3 |
B |
C |
0.11 |
0.55 |
WP4 |
D |
E |
0.17 |
0.31 |
Table 5.
Features that contributed to the wrong predictions of Gradient Boosted Trees. Effect denotes whether the specific value of the specific feature supports, contradicts or is neutral to the prediction. Typical Value is the typical value for the specific feature for each class.
Table 5.
Features that contributed to the wrong predictions of Gradient Boosted Trees. Effect denotes whether the specific value of the specific feature supports, contradicts or is neutral to the prediction. Typical Value is the typical value for the specific feature for each class.
No. |
Feature(s) |
Value(s) |
Effect(s) |
Typical Value |
WP1 |
building |
1 |
Neutral |
D: 0 C: 0 and some 1 |
WP2 |
typically fire product |
1 0.66 0.54 |
Neutral Contradict |
C & D: 0 and some 1 |
WP3 |
food organic |
0.50 0.86 |
Support |
B: 0 & C: 1 B: 0 & C: 0 and some 1 |
WP4 |
local method type |
0.56 0.47 0.46 |
Support |
D: 0 & E: 0 and some 1 |
Table 6.
Global weights per feature (descending order). Features with higher weight were more dominant for the correct predictions of this model than features with lower weight.
Table 6.
Global weights per feature (descending order). Features with higher weight were more dominant for the correct predictions of this model than features with lower weight.
No. |
Feature |
Weight |
No. |
Feature |
Weight |
1 |
farmer |
0.037 |
56 |
time |
0.018 |
2 |
world |
0.036 |
57 |
usually |
0.018 |
3 |
blacksmith |
0.034 |
58 |
cocoa |
0.018 |
4 |
using |
0.034 |
59 |
grain |
0.017 |
5 |
produce |
0.033 |
60 |
material |
0.017 |
6 |
human |
0.032 |
61 |
chef |
0.017 |
7 |
developed |
0.031 |
62 |
growing |
0.017 |
8 |
plant |
0.03 |
63 |
process |
0.017 |
9 |
yield |
0.029 |
64 |
water |
0.017 |
10 |
food |
0.029 |
65 |
form |
0.017 |
11 |
project |
0.029 |
66 |
industry |
0.016 |
12 |
temperature |
0.029 |
67 |
fat |
0.016 |
13 |
environmental |
0.028 |
68 |
field |
0.016 |
14 |
ingredient |
0.028 |
69 |
found |
0.016 |
15 |
america |
0.028 |
70 |
domesticated |
0.015 |
16 |
technique |
0.028 |
71 |
product |
0.015 |
17 |
united |
0.027 |
72 |
sometimes |
0.015 |
18 |
design |
0.027 |
73 |
europe |
0.015 |
19 |
heat |
0.027 |
74 |
crop |
0.015 |
20 |
system |
0.027 |
75 |
source |
0.015 |
21 |
quality |
0.026 |
76 |
anvil |
0.014 |
22 |
iron |
0.026 |
77 |
variety |
0.014 |
23 |
breeding |
0.026 |
78 |
various |
0.013 |
24 |
local |
0.025 |
79 |
livestock |
0.013 |
25 |
vegetable |
0.025 |
80 |
tourism |
0.013 |
26 |
typically |
0.025 |
81 |
farm |
0.013 |
27 |
increase |
0.025 |
82 |
construction |
0.013 |
28 |
land |
0.024 |
83 |
practice |
0.013 |
29 |
cost |
0.024 |
84 |
building |
0.013 |
30 |
agricultural |
0.024 |
85 |
people |
0.012 |
31 |
sustainable |
0.024 |
86 |
natural |
0.012 |
32 |
common |
0.023 |
87 |
example |
0.012 |
33 |
called |
0.023 |
88 |
level |
0.012 |
34 |
service |
0.023 |
89 |
animal |
0.012 |
35 |
period |
0.023 |
90 |
organic |
0.012 |
36 |
cuisine |
0.022 |
91 |
soil |
0.011 |
37 |
trade |
0.022 |
92 |
resort |
0.011 |
38 |
production |
0.022 |
93 |
cooking |
0.011 |
39 |
operation |
0.022 |
94 |
meat |
0.011 |
40 |
country |
0.022 |
95 |
especially |
0.01 |
41 |
farming |
0.022 |
96 |
population |
0.01 |
42 |
include |
0.021 |
97 |
fire |
0.01 |
43 |
global |
0.021 |
98 |
hotel |
0.01 |
44 |
effect |
0.021 |
99 |
modern |
0.009 |
45 |
increased |
0.021 |
100 |
century |
0.009 |
46 |
type |
0.02 |
101 |
change |
0.009 |
47 |
agriculture |
0.02 |
102 |
chocolate |
0.009 |
48 |
method |
0.02 |
103 |
metal |
0.008 |
49 |
fertilizer |
0.02 |
104 |
including |
0.008 |
50 |
amount |
0.02 |
105 |
steel |
0.008 |
51 |
baking |
0.02 |
106 |
smith |
0.007 |
52 |
tool |
0.019 |
107 |
text |
0.007 |
53 |
oven |
0.019 |
108 |
management |
0.006 |
54 |
worker |
0.018 |
109 |
due |
0.006 |
55 |
hot |
0.018 |
Table 7.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost. Accuracy: 62.33%.
Table 7.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost. Accuracy: 62.33%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
49.06% |
97.60% |
65.29% |
B |
91.52% |
51.30% |
65.74% |
C |
95.05% |
41.65% |
57.92% |
D |
91.67% |
31.79% |
47.20% |
E |
98.21% |
35.54% |
52.19% |
Table 8.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE. Accuracy: 66.01%.
Table 8.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE. Accuracy: 66.01%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
94.30% |
69.13% |
79.77% |
B |
92.67% |
49.20% |
64.27% |
C |
94.47% |
38.94% |
55.14% |
D |
46.65% |
99.33% |
63.48% |
E |
98.19% |
35.28% |
51.90% |
Table 9.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (2 times). Accuracy: 65.72%.
Table 9.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (2 times). Accuracy: 65.72%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 score |
A |
93.46% |
67.93% |
78.67% |
B |
92.20% |
47.41% |
62.62% |
C |
94.51% |
37.31% |
53.49% |
D |
60.50% |
72.35% |
65.89% |
E |
48.57% |
83.68% |
61.46% |
Table 10.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (3 times). Accuracy: 64.35%.
Table 10.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (3 times). Accuracy: 64.35%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
95.14% |
66.73% |
78.44% |
B |
91.72% |
46.48% |
61.69% |
C |
38.44% |
96.54% |
54.98% |
D |
89.68% |
58.38% |
70.72% |
E |
95.48% |
49.64% |
65.32% |
Table 11.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (4 times). Accuracy: 64.09%.
Table 11.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with SMOTE (4 times). Accuracy: 64.09%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
95.52% |
65.53% |
65.29% |
B |
40.79% |
85.84% |
65.74% |
C |
58.84% |
62.17% |
57.92% |
D |
90.00% |
58.33% |
47.20% |
E |
96.20% |
48.58% |
52.19% |
Table 12.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample. Accuracy: 62.84%.
Table 12.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample. Accuracy: 62.84%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 Score |
A |
94.34% |
66.27% |
77.85% |
B |
41.77% |
96.53% |
58.30% |
C |
94.94% |
44.79% |
60.86% |
D |
88.57% |
41.81% |
56.80% |
E |
96.40% |
41.63% |
58.14% |
Table 13.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample and SMOTE Upsampling. Accuracy: 63.35%.
Table 13.
Machine learning experiment results with Random Forest and AdaBoost with Sample and SMOTE Upsampling. Accuracy: 63.35%.
Class |
Precision |
Recall |
F1 score |
A |
95.29% |
66.69% |
78.46% |
B |
39.79% |
95.52% |
56.17% |
C |
93.62% |
44.58% |
60.39% |
D |
83.27% |
57.23% |
67.83% |
E |
97.52% |
40.73% |
57.46% |
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