Version 1
: Received: 21 April 2023 / Approved: 23 April 2023 / Online: 23 April 2023 (02:29:15 CEST)
How to cite:
Huang, W.-T.; Lau, T.-K.; Huang, C.-F.; Lo, Y.-T.; Huang, K.-H. Manager- and Farmer-Oriented Irrigation Water Allocation and Optimization: Taking Neimen District in Kaohsiung as Example. Preprints2023, 2023040728.
Huang, W.-T.; Lau, T.-K.; Huang, C.-F.; Lo, Y.-T.; Huang, K.-H. Manager- and Farmer-Oriented Irrigation Water Allocation and Optimization: Taking Neimen District in Kaohsiung as Example. Preprints 2023, 2023040728.
Huang, W.-T.; Lau, T.-K.; Huang, C.-F.; Lo, Y.-T.; Huang, K.-H. Manager- and Farmer-Oriented Irrigation Water Allocation and Optimization: Taking Neimen District in Kaohsiung as Example. Preprints2023, 2023040728.
APA Style
Huang, W. T., Lau, T. K., Huang, C. F., Lo, Y. T., & Huang, K. H. (2023). Manager- and Farmer-Oriented Irrigation Water Allocation and Optimization: Taking Neimen District in Kaohsiung as Example. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Huang, W., Yi-Ting Lo and Kai-Hsiang Huang. 2023 "Manager- and Farmer-Oriented Irrigation Water Allocation and Optimization: Taking Neimen District in Kaohsiung as Example" Preprints.
Due to the impacts from climate change, the allocation of water resources must urgently be optimized worldwide to ensure that the needs of both water managers and farmers are balanced. In this study, manager-oriented and farmer-oriented assessment models were developed for irrigation water optimization and allocation. The distance from water sources and hydraulic head were the main factors in the manager-oriented assessment model; crop value, water demand of crops, and soil type were additional factors in the farmer-oriented assessment model. The developed assessment models were used to assess irrigation water allocation in five villages in Neimen District. Cadasters at high elevation were discovered to not be suitable for cultivation of crops because of the difficulties in constructing irrigation facilities and the loss of irrigation water during transportation. The result obtained from the manager-oriented assessment system was related to the costs involved in the construction and maintenance of irrigation facilities, which indicated that cadasters located at long distances from water sources and at high elevation are unsuitable for cultivation. By contrast, the result obtained from the farmer-oriented assessment system was related to the profits of farmers and revealed that more cadasters would be suitable for cultivation if suitable crops were chosen.
Irrigation water management; Agriculture; Remote sensing; Optimization
Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science
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