
A Common Approach to Three Open Problems in Number Theory

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26 April 2023


27 April 2023

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The following system of equations {x_1 \cdot x_1=x_2, x_2 \cdot x_2=x_3, 2^{2^{x_1}}=x_3, x_4 \cdot x_5=x_2, x_6 \cdot x_7=x_2} has exactly one solution in ({\mathbb N}\{0,1})^7, namely (2,4,16,2,2,2,2). Hypothesis 1 states that if a system of equations S \subseteq {x_i \cdot x_j=x_k: i,j,k \in {1,...,7}} \cup {2^{2^{x_j}}=x_k: j,k \in {1,...,7}} has at most five equations and at most finitely many solutions in ({\mathbb N}\{0,1})^7, then each such solution (x_1,...,x_7) satisfies x_1,...,x_7 \leq 16. Hypothesis 1 implies that there are infinitely many composite numbers of the form 2^{2^{n}}+1. Hypotheses 2 and 3 are of similar kind. Hypothesis 2 implies that if the equation x!+1=y^2 has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x and y, then each such solution (x,y) belongs to the set {(4,5),(5,11),(7,71)}. Hypothesis 3 implies that if the equation x(x+1)=y! has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x and y, then each such solution (x,y) belongs to the set {(1,2),(2,3)}. We describe semi-algorithms sem_j (j=1,2,3) that never terminate. For every j \in {1,2,3}, if Hypothesis j is true, then sem_j endlessly prints consecutive positive integers starting from 1. For every j \in {1,2,3}, if Hypothesis j is false, then sem_j prints a finite number (including zero) of consecutive positive integers starting from 1.
Brocard's problem; Brocard-Ramanujan equation x!+1=y^2; composite Fermat numbers; composite numbers of the form 2^(2^n)+1; Erd\"os' equation x(x+1)=y!
Computer Science and Mathematics  -   Algebra and Number Theory

MSC:  11D61; 11D85

1. Composite numbers of the form 2 2 n + 1

Let A denote the following system of equations:
x i · x j = x k : i , j , k { 1 , , 7 } 2 2 x j = x k : j , k { 1 , , 7 }
The following subsystem of A Preprints 71967 i001
has exactly one solution in ( N { 0 , 1 } ) 7 , namely ( 2 , 4 , 16 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ) .
Hypothesis 1. 
If a system of equations S A has at most five equations and at most finitely many solutions in ( N { 0 , 1 } ) 7 , then each such solution ( x 1 , , x 7 ) satisfies x 1 , , x 7 16 .
Lemma 1.([7, p. 109]). For every non-negative integers x and y, x + 1 = y if and only if 2 2 x · 2 2 x = 2 2 y .
Theorem 1. 
Hypothesis 1 implies that 2 2 x 1 + 1 is composite for infinitely many integers x 1 greater than 1.
Assume, on the contrary, that Hypothesis 1 holds and 2 2 x 1 + 1 is composite for at most finitely many integers x 1 greater than 1. Then, the equation
x 2 · x 3 = 2 2 x 1 + 1
has at most finitely many solutions in ( N { 0 , 1 } ) 3 . By Lemma 1, in positive integers greater than 1, the following subsystem of A Preprints 71967 i002
has at most finitely many solutions in ( N { 0 , 1 } ) 7 and expresses that
x 2 · x 3 = 2 2 x 1 + 1 x 4 = 2 2 x 1 + 1 x 5 = 2 2 x 1 x 6 = 2 2 2 2 x 1 x 7 = 2 2 2 2 x 1 + 1
Since 641 · 6700417 = 2 2 5 + 1 > 16 , we get a contradiction.    □
Most mathematicians believe that 2 2 n + 1 is composite for every integer n 5 , see [2].
Open Problem 1.([3], p. 159). Are there infinitely many composite numbers of the form 2 2 n + 1 ?
Primes of the form 2 2 n + 1 are called Fermat primes, as Fermat conjectured that every integer of the form 2 2 n + 1 is prime, see [3, p. 1]. Fermat remarked that 2 2 0 + 1 = 3 , 2 2 1 + 1 = 5 , 2 2 2 + 1 = 17 , 2 2 3 + 1 = 257 , and 2 2 4 + 1 = 65537 are all prime, see [3, p. 1].
Open Problem 2.([3, p. 158]). Are there infinitely many prime numbers of the form 2 2 n + 1 ?

2. The Brocard-Ramanujan equation x ! + 1 = y 2

Let B denote the following system of equations:
{ x i · x j = x k : i , j , k { 1 , , 6 } } { x j ! = x k : ( j , k { 1 , , 6 } ) ( j k ) }
The following subsystem of B Preprints 71967 i003
has exactly two solutions in positive integers, namely ( 1 , , 1 ) and ( 2 , 2 , 4 , 24 , 24 ! , ( 24 ! ) ! ) .
Hypothesis 2. 
If a system of equations S B has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x 6 , then each such solution ( x 1 , , x 6 ) satisfies x 1 , , x 6 ( 24 ! ) ! .
Lemma 2. 
For every positive integers x and y, x ! · y = y ! if and only if
( x + 1 = y ) ( x = y = 1 )
Theorem 2. 
Hypothesis 2 implies that if the equation x 1 ! + 1 = x 2 2 has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 and x 2 , then each such solution ( x 1 , x 2 ) belongs to the set { ( 4 , 5 ) , ( 5 , 11 ) , ( 7 , 71 ) } .
The following system of equations B 1 Preprints 71967 i004
is a subsystem of B . By Lemma 2, in positive integers, the system B 1 expresses that x 1 = = x 6 = 1 or
x 1 ! + 1 = x 2 2 x 3 = x 1 ! x 4 = ( x 1 ! ) ! x 5 = x 1 ! + 1 x 6 = ( x 1 ! + 1 ) !
If the equation x 1 ! + 1 = x 2 2 has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 and x 2 , then B 1 has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x 6 and Hypothesis 2 implies that every tuple ( x 1 , , x 6 ) of positive integers that solves B 1 satisfies ( x 1 ! + 1 ) ! = x 6 ( 24 ! ) ! . Hence, x 1 { 1 , , 23 } . If x 1 { 1 , , 23 } , then x 1 ! + 1 is a square only for x 1 { 4 , 5 , 7 } .    □
It is conjectured that x ! + 1 is a square only for x { 4 , 5 , 7 } , see [8, p. 297]. A weak form of Szpiro’s conjecture implies that the equation x ! + 1 = y 2 has only finitely many solutions in positive integers, see [6].

3. Erdös’ equation x ( x + 1 ) = y !

Let C denote the following system of equations:
{ x i · x j = x k : ( i , j , k { 1 , , 6 } ) ( i j ) } { x j ! = x k : ( j , k { 1 , , 6 } ) ( j k ) }
The following subsystem of C Preprints 71967 i005
has exactly three solutions in positive integers, namely ( 1 , , 1 ) , ( 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ) , and ( 2 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 720 , 720 ! ) .
Hypothesis 3. 
If a system of equations S C has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x 6 , then each such solution ( x 1 , , x 6 ) satisfies x 1 , , x 6 720 ! .
Theorem 3. 
Hypothesis 3 implies that if the equation x 1 ( x 1 + 1 ) = x 2 ! has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 and x 2 , then each such solution ( x 1 , x 2 ) belongs to the set { ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 3 ) } .
The following system of equations C 1 Preprints 71967 i006
is a subsystem of C . By Lemma 2, in positive integers, the system C 1 expresses that x 1 = = x 6 = 1 or
x 1 · ( x 1 + 1 ) = x 2 ! x 3 = x 1 · ( x 1 + 1 ) x 4 = x 1 ! x 5 = x 1 + 1 x 6 = ( x 1 + 1 ) !
If the equation x 1 ( x 1 + 1 ) = x 2 ! has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 and  x 2 , then C 1 has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x 6 and Hypothesis 3 implies that every tuple ( x 1 , , x 6 ) of positive integers that solves C 1 satisfies x 2 ! = x 3 720 ! . Hence, x 2 { 1 , , 720 } . If x 2 { 1 , , 720 } , then x 2 ! is a product of two consecutive positive integers only for x 2 { 2 , 3 } because the following MuPAD program
for x2 from 1 to 720 do
if x1*(x1+1)=x2! then print(x2) end_if:
returns 2 and 3.    □
The question of solving the equation x ( x + 1 ) = y ! was posed by P. Erdös, see [1]. F. Luca proved that the a b c conjecture implies that the equation x ( x + 1 ) = y ! has only finitely many solutions in positive integers, see [4].

4. Hypotheses 2 and 3 cannot be generalized to an arbitrary number of variables

Let f ( 1 ) = 2 , f ( 2 ) = 4 , and let f ( n + 1 ) = f ( n ) ! for every integer n 2 . Let W 1 denote the system of equations { x 1 ! = x 1 . For an integer n 2 , let W n denote the following system of equations:Preprints 71967 i007
For every positive integer n, the system W n has exactly two solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x n , namely ( 1 , , 1 ) and ( f ( 1 ) , , f ( n ) ) . For a positive integer n, let Ψ n denote the following statement: if a system of equations
S { x i · x j = x k : i , j , k { 1 , , n } } { x j ! = x k : j , k { 1 , , n } }
has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x 1 , , x n , then each such solution ( x 1 , , x n ) satisfies x 1 , , x n f ( n ) .
Theorem 4. 
Every factorial Diophantine equation can be algorithmically transformed into an equivalent system of equations of the forms x i · x j = x k and x j ! = x k . It means that this system of equations satisfies a modified version of Lemma 4 in [7].
It follows from Lemmas 2–4 in [7] and Lemma 2.    □
The statement n N { 0 } Ψ n is dubious. By Theorem 4, this statement implies that there is an algorithm which takes as input a factorial Diophantine equation and returns an integer which is greater than the solutions in positive integers, if these solutions form a finite set. This conclusion is strange because properties of factorial Diophantine equations are similar to properties of exponential Diophantine equations and a computable upper bound on non-negative integer solutions does not exist for exponential Diophantine equations with a finite number of solutions, see [5].

5. Equivalent forms of Hypotheses 1–3

If k [ 10 19 , 10 20 1 ] N , then there are uniquely determined non-negative integers a ( 0 ) , , a ( 19 ) { 0 , , 9 } such that
a ( 19 ) 1 ( k = a ( 19 ) · 10 19 + a ( 18 ) · 10 18 + + a ( 1 ) · 10 1 + a ( 0 ) · 10 0 )
Definition 1. 
For an integer k [ 10 19 , 10 20 1 ] , S k stands for the smallest system of equations  S satisfying conditions(1)and(2) .
(1)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , 16 } and a ( i ) { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , then the equation x a ( i + 1 ) · x a ( i + 2 ) = x a ( i + 3 ) belongs to S when it belongs to A .
(2)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , 16 } and a ( i ) { 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } , then the equation 2 2 x a ( i + 1 ) = x a ( i + 2 ) belongs to  S when it belongs to A .
Lemma 3. 
{ S k : k [ 10 19 , 10 20 1 ] N } = { S : ( S A ) ( card ( S ) 5 ) } .
It follows from the equality 5 · 4 = 20 .    □
For a positive integer n, let p n denote the n-th prime number.
Theorem 5. 
The following semi-algorithm sem 1 never terminates.Preprints 71967 i008
If Hypothesis 1 is true, then sem 1 endlessly prints consecutive positive integers starting from 1. If Hypothesis 1 is false, then sem 1 prints a finite number (including zero) of consecutive positive integers starting from 1.
It follows from Lemma 3.    □
If k [ 10 1007 , 10 1008 1 ] N , then there are uniquely determined non-negative integers c ( 0 ) , , c ( 1007 ) { 0 , , 9 } such that
c ( 1007 1 k = c ( 1007 ) · 10 1007 + c ( 1006 ) · 10 1006 + + c ( 1 ) · 10 1 + c ( 0 ) · 10 0
Definition 2. 
For an integer k [ 10 1007 , 10 1008 1 ] , T k stands for the smallest system of equations T satisfying conditions(3)and(4) .
(3)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , , 1004 } and c ( i ) { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , then the equation x c ( i + 1 ) · x c ( i + 2 ) = x c ( i + 3 ) belongs to T when it belongs to B .
(4)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , , 1004 } and c ( i ) { 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } , then the equation x c ( i + 1 ) ! = x c ( i + 2 ) belongs to T when it belongs to B .
Lemma 4. 
{ T k : k [ 10 1007 , 10 1008 1 ] N } = { T : T B } .
It follows from the equality ( 6 3 + 6 2 ) · 4 = 1008 .    □
Definition 3. 
For an integer k [ 10 1007 , 10 1008 1 ] , U k stands for the smallest system of equations U satisfying conditions(5)and(6) .
(5)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , , 1004 } and c ( i ) { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , then the equation x c ( i + 1 ) · x c ( i + 2 ) = x c ( i + 3 ) belongs to U when it belongs to C .
(6)If i { 0 , 4 , 8 , , 1004 } and c ( i ) { 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } , then the equation x c ( i + 1 ) ! = x c ( i + 2 ) belongs to U when it belongs to C .
Lemma 5. 
{ U k : k [ 10 1007 , 10 1008 1 ] N } = { U : U C } .
It follows from the equality ( 6 3 + 6 2 ) · 4 = 1008 . □
Theorem 6. 
The following semi-algorithm sem 2 never terminates.Preprints 71967 i009
If Hypothesis 2 is true, then sem 2 endlessly prints consecutive positive integers starting from 1. If Hypothesis 2 is false, then sem 2 prints a finite number (including zero) of consecutive positive integers starting from 1.
It follows from Lemma 4. □
Theorem 7. 
The following semi-algorithm sem 3 never terminates.Preprints 71967 i010
If Hypothesis 3 is true, then sem 3 endlessly prints consecutive positive integers starting from 1. If Hypothesis 3 is false, then sem 3 prints a finite number (including zero) of consecutive positive integers starting from 1.
It follows from Lemma 5. □


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