Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Out-of-Pocket Costs Related to Chagas Disease: The Experience in Endemic Municipalities in Colombia

Version 1 : Received: 23 March 2023 / Approved: 23 March 2023 / Online: 23 March 2023 (04:29:57 CET)

How to cite: Herazo, R.; Rey, A.; Galvao, D.; Medina Camargo, M.; Cobos Pinzón, N. J.; Rodriguez Sanchez, A. C.; Marchiol, A.; Pinazo, M. J. Out-of-Pocket Costs Related to Chagas Disease: The Experience in Endemic Municipalities in Colombia. Preprints 2023, 2023030409. Herazo, R.; Rey, A.; Galvao, D.; Medina Camargo, M.; Cobos Pinzón, N. J.; Rodriguez Sanchez, A. C.; Marchiol, A.; Pinazo, M. J. Out-of-Pocket Costs Related to Chagas Disease: The Experience in Endemic Municipalities in Colombia. Preprints 2023, 2023030409.


Background Out-of-pocket costs are key expenses that many individuals incur in order to receive health services. They have been identified as a key access barrier for vulnerable populations, in particular for populations affected by neglected diseases with a chronic progression, such as Chagas disease. It is important to understand the costs of accessing healthcare services that are borne by patients with T. cruzi infection. Methodology We prepared a structured survey for patients with T. cruzi infection/Chagas disease who were all treated by the healthcare system in endemic municipalities in Colombia. The results were analyzed according to three categories: 1. the socioeconomic profiling of the patients; 2. the costs of and time spent on transportation; and 3. the opportunity costs (money that was not earned) related to treatment at the local primary care hospital or at the high-complexity reference hospital. Main findings Ninety-one patients answered the survey voluntarily. The data revealed that, when treated at the specialized reference hospital, patients spent 5.5 times more on food and accommodation, transportation costs were five times higher, and the loss of earnings was three times higher than when they were treated at the local primary care hospital. Moreover, the amount of time spent on transportation was 4 times higher at the reference hospital. Conclusions Providing comprehensive healthcare services for Chagas management at local primary healthcare hospitals would allow the most vulnerable patients to save on expenses related to medical and non-medical costs (out-of-pocket costs), in turn leading to higher adhesion to treatment thus benefiting the health system as a whole. These findings are in alignment with the WHO’s World Health Assembly 2010 Resolution on the importance of treating Chagas at local primary care hospitals, thereby saving patients time and money, allowing for timely care, and promoting access to healthcare.


out-of-pocket cost; primary healthcare; specialized reference hospital; Chagas


Public Health and Healthcare, Health Policy and Services

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