Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Current Situation and Difficulties in Chinese MTI Teachers’ Sustainable Professional Development

Version 1 : Received: 14 December 2022 / Approved: 15 December 2022 / Online: 15 December 2022 (14:50:34 CET)

How to cite: Wang, Z.; Bukhari, N. Current Situation and Difficulties in Chinese MTI Teachers’ Sustainable Professional Development. Preprints 2022, 2022120283. Wang, Z.; Bukhari, N. Current Situation and Difficulties in Chinese MTI Teachers’ Sustainable Professional Development. Preprints 2022, 2022120283.


Sustainable teacher development is the key to the success in the program of Master of Translation and Interpretation (MTI) but there was limited research on their current situation and needs in China. In this study 514 teachers from 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across China were investigated by means of quantitative questionnaires and online interviews concerning their current situation of career development and this research presented a comprehensive description of their age, academic qualifications and professional title. Also this study expounded the current situation and difficulties in academic research, teaching, translation practice and staff training. The findings were as follows. 1:In spite of reasonable age structure, approximately 50% of them had less than three years’ teaching experience in MTI. 2: There was a rise in the number of MTI teachers with doctoral degree but they found it hard to offer students professional guidance. 3: A large proportion of MTI teachers were in a slow stream of promotion in the title of professional post. 4: The proportion of the academic achievements related to translation in all the research projects and papers was small. 5: A majority of them worked as part-time translators. 6: About half of the teachers were not very satisfied with the effectiveness in their staff training program. Therefore it is suggested that more opportunities be provided for the MTI teachers to conduct translation practice in the professional sector and more researches be needed to thoroughly understand their requirement in terms of career development with a view to bridging the gap between content in the teacher training and their actual needs.


MTI teachers; sustainable professional development; current situations and difficulties


Social Sciences, Education

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