Pomegranate use is increasing worldwide as it is considered a tasteful healthy food. It is mainly used as fruit, juice and jam. The pomegranate peel represents about 40-50% of the total fruit weight and contains numerous and diverse bioactive substances. The aim of this research was to analyse the pomegranate peel composition of Wonderful cultivated in Southern Italy and treated with an innovative physic dry concentration procedure. The aim was to verify how the drying process influenced the bioactive compounds that could be used as nutraceuticals. A comparison with the peel composition of freeze dried Wonderful cultivated in Southern Italy, freeze dried Wonderful cultivated in South Africa and freeze-dried pomegranate Kullu and Himachal cultivated in India has been done. Results evidenced that in pomegranate peels of Wonderful cultivated in Calabria and dried with the innovative process, total phenolic substances, total flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidant activities, were the highest. Great amounts of single phenolic acids and flavonoids were found in Calabrian Wonderful peels dried with the innovative process. Overall, it emerged that the great amount of bioactive and diverse compounds found in Calabrian Wonderful pomegranate peel, come from the niche pedoclimatic conditions, and the physic drying innovative methodology.