Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Philosophy Study of Child Nursing Services Basedfamily-Centered Care

Version 1 : Received: 23 May 2022 / Approved: 24 May 2022 / Online: 24 May 2022 (11:31:41 CEST)

How to cite: Rohita, T.; Nurkholik, D.; Glorino Rumambo, M.; Hasanah, I. Philosophy Study of Child Nursing Services Basedfamily-Centered Care. Preprints 2022, 2022050333. Rohita, T.; Nurkholik, D.; Glorino Rumambo, M.; Hasanah, I. Philosophy Study of Child Nursing Services Basedfamily-Centered Care. Preprints 2022, 2022050333.


Introduction: Family-centered care (FCC) is currently taking a greater role in health care, due to the increasing empowerment of the parental experience. This literature aims to find out the study of the philosophy of child nursing services based on Family Centered CareMethode: The study of this literature through the search of scientific publications ranges from 201 7-2022. The databases used are Pubmed, Science Direct, and Proquest. The literature search was conducted according to the topic with four keyword groups based on Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and combined with Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT, keywords Child AND Family AND Centered AND Care. Result: The study of the philosophy of child nursing services based on Family Centered Care is conducted based on the study of ontology, epistomotogi and axiology. Family-centered care (FCC) is a philosophy that emphasizes partnerships between parents and health care staff. The FCC's basic principles in neonatal intensive care units (NICs) are unlimited parental presence and parental participation, shared responsibility and decision-making about infant hospital care, and open communication between parents and staff. A family-centered treatment approach has benefits such as maintaining a bond between the child and the family, allowing the family to engage in child care, and minimizing the negative effects of hospitalization on the child and family.Conclusion: FCC is beneficial for nurses in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of time in the care process and increases professional satisfaction. Therefore, the implementation of the FCC is more effective and the satisfaction of clients and families is more increased.


Philosophy; Family-Centered Care; Nurse


Public Health and Healthcare, Nursing

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