Version 1
: Received: 24 February 2022 / Approved: 24 February 2022 / Online: 24 February 2022 (10:13:33 CET)
Version 2
: Received: 1 May 2022 / Approved: 4 May 2022 / Online: 4 May 2022 (12:31:43 CEST)
Version 3
: Received: 18 July 2022 / Approved: 19 July 2022 / Online: 19 July 2022 (10:33:36 CEST)
How to cite:
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A. The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Exists Permanently and Has Time-Domain Asymmetry. Preprints2022, 2022020311.
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A. The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Exists Permanently and Has Time-Domain Asymmetry. Preprints 2022, 2022020311.
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A. The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Exists Permanently and Has Time-Domain Asymmetry. Preprints2022, 2022020311.
APA Style
Kramarenko, A., & Kramarenko, A. (2022). The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Exists Permanently and Has Time-Domain Asymmetry. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kramarenko, A. and Alexander Kramarenko. 2022 "The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Exists Permanently and Has Time-Domain Asymmetry" Preprints.
Analyzing the records of Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational observatories, we found a specific time-domain asymmetry inherent only to the signals of their gravitational detectors. Experiments with different periodic signals, Gaussian and non-Gaussian noises, made it possible to conclude that the noise of gravitational detectors is an unusual mixture of signals. We also developed a specialized Pearson correlation analyzer to recognize the gravitational-wave events. It turned out that the LIGO detectors’ output signals include a significant (– 6 dB) component, which has the properties of records of reliably recognized gravitational waves. It allows us to argue that the gravitational background noise is largely due to the processes of merging astronomical objects. Since the specific signal is registered by the detectors continuously, we can consider the sub-kilohertz band gravitational oscillations field as detected. Our analysis method also allows us to estimate the contribution of the gravitational background component to the total signal energy. With its help, it will be possible not only to provide the radio-frequency estimation of the magnitude of gravitational disturbances but also, possibly, to construct a map of the gravitational noise of the sky.
Gravitational background; Gravitational waves; correlation analysis; digital filters
Physical Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Commenter: Andrey Kramarenko
Commenter's Conflict of Interests: Author