Version 1
: Received: 24 September 2021 / Approved: 28 September 2021 / Online: 28 September 2021 (10:21:26 CEST)
How to cite:
Xin En, S.; Si Ling, L.; Cheng Hao, F. Honeypots for Internet of Things Research: An Effective Mitigation Tool. Preprints2021, 2021090461.
Xin En, S.; Si Ling, L.; Cheng Hao, F. Honeypots for Internet of Things Research: An Effective Mitigation Tool. Preprints 2021, 2021090461.
Xin En, S.; Si Ling, L.; Cheng Hao, F. Honeypots for Internet of Things Research: An Effective Mitigation Tool. Preprints2021, 2021090461.
APA Style
Xin En, S., Si Ling, L., & Cheng Hao, F. (2021). Honeypots for Internet of Things Research: An Effective Mitigation Tool. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Xin En, S., Liu Si Ling and Fan Cheng Hao. 2021 "Honeypots for Internet of Things Research: An Effective Mitigation Tool" Preprints.
In recent years, due to their frequent use and widespread use, IoT (Internet of Things) devices have become an attractive target for hackers. As a result of their limited network resources and complex operating systems, they are vulnerable to attacks. Using a honeypot can, therefore, be a very effective way of detecting malicious requests and capturing samples of exploits. The purpose of this article is to introduce honeypots, the rise of IoT devices, and how they can be exploited by attackers. Various honeypot ecosystems will be investigated further for capturing and analyzing information from attacks against these IoT devices. As well as how to leverage proactive strategies in terms of IoT security, it will provide insights on the attack vectors present in most IoT systems, along with understanding attack patterns.
cyber-attacks; honeypots; internet of things; IoT; scada
Engineering, Control and Systems Engineering
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