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Changes in Risk in Medium Business Plants Following Revision of the Korean Chemical Accident Prevention System, Focusing on Plating and Paint Manufacturing Industries
Lee, H.E.; Kim, M.-G.; Yoon, S.J.; Huh, D.-A.; Moon, K.-W. Changes in Risk in Medium Business Plating and Paint Manufacturing Plants following the Revision of the Korean Chemical Accident Prevention System. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021, 18, 11982.
Lee, H.E.; Kim, M.-G.; Yoon, S.J.; Huh, D.-A.; Moon, K.-W. Changes in Risk in Medium Business Plating and Paint Manufacturing Plants following the Revision of the Korean Chemical Accident Prevention System. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11982.
Lee, H.E.; Kim, M.-G.; Yoon, S.J.; Huh, D.-A.; Moon, K.-W. Changes in Risk in Medium Business Plating and Paint Manufacturing Plants following the Revision of the Korean Chemical Accident Prevention System. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021, 18, 11982.
Lee, H.E.; Kim, M.-G.; Yoon, S.J.; Huh, D.-A.; Moon, K.-W. Changes in Risk in Medium Business Plating and Paint Manufacturing Plants following the Revision of the Korean Chemical Accident Prevention System. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11982.
: Chemical accidents can occur anywhere. The need for chemical management in Korea was realized following the 2012 Gumi hydrofluoric acid accident in 2012. The Chemicals Control Act was enacted in 2015. This system evaluates the risks (high, medium, low) and consequent safety management at all plants that handle hazardous chemical substances. However, the system was criticized as excessive when most plants were designated high-risk without considering their size. Thus, laboratories and hospitals handling very small quantities were subject to regulation. Accordingly, in 2021 Korea revised the system to include off-site consequence analyses and a Korean-style risk analysis. Plants handling very small quantities, such as laboratories and hospitals, were exempt from regulation. In this study, plating and paint manufacturing companies, which were classified as high-risk in the previous system, even though they were medium-size business plants, were re-evaluated as low-risk plants. In the Korean-style risk analysis, it is possible to see at a glance what is lacking in the plants, such as cooperation between local residents and local governments and the construction of safety facilities according to the type of accident scenario. The revised system is a reasonable regulation for medium business plants.
Preparation of Off-Site Consequence Analyses; Chemicals Control Act; Risk Assessment; Paint Manufacturing Plant; Plating Industry Plant
Chemistry and Materials Science, Chemical Engineering
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