Rodriguez-Cunill, I.; Gutierrez-Villarrubia, M.; Salguero-Andujar, F.; Cabeza-Lainez, J. Sustainability in Early Modern China through the Evolution of the Jesuit Accommodation Method. Sustainability2021, 13, 11729.
Rodriguez-Cunill, I.; Gutierrez-Villarrubia, M.; Salguero-Andujar, F.; Cabeza-Lainez, J. Sustainability in Early Modern China through the Evolution of the Jesuit Accommodation Method. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11729.
Rodriguez-Cunill, I.; Gutierrez-Villarrubia, M.; Salguero-Andujar, F.; Cabeza-Lainez, J. Sustainability in Early Modern China through the Evolution of the Jesuit Accommodation Method. Sustainability2021, 13, 11729.
Rodriguez-Cunill, I.; Gutierrez-Villarrubia, M.; Salguero-Andujar, F.; Cabeza-Lainez, J. Sustainability in Early Modern China through the Evolution of the Jesuit Accommodation Method. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11729.
With this article we would like to clarify the often-disregarded fact by virtue of which the European Missionaries in Asia acted as catalysts of a kind of nuanced acculturation named Accommodatio (adaptation). To a great extent they became harbingers of Culture and Science more than Faith itself to the dismay of many, including the Roman Church. Such cultural and scientific transference was actually two-pronged, for simultaneously they presented in Europe unique findings related to Language, e.g. the Chinese Characters (considered to be the sole natural language), Geography, Cosmology and even Governance. We would try to prove that such procedure contributed positively to the modern scientific notions of sustainability and to provide the kind of accoutrements that model the modern world as we know it.
Asian architecture; Asian heritage; China; Japan; Urban Design; Garden and Landscape Design; Reformation of the Arts.
Arts and Humanities, Architecture
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