Version 1
: Received: 27 June 2021 / Approved: 28 June 2021 / Online: 28 June 2021 (14:51:05 CEST)
How to cite:
Das, A.; Shahriyar Parvez, M. Flexibility Versus Certainty in Planning: A Critical Review of Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices. Preprints2021, 2021060671.
Das, A.; Shahriyar Parvez, M. Flexibility Versus Certainty in Planning: A Critical Review of Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices. Preprints 2021, 2021060671.
Das, A.; Shahriyar Parvez, M. Flexibility Versus Certainty in Planning: A Critical Review of Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices. Preprints2021, 2021060671.
APA Style
Das, A., & Shahriyar Parvez, M. (2021). Flexibility Versus Certainty in Planning: A Critical Review of Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Das, A. and Mohammad Shahriyar Parvez. 2021 "Flexibility Versus Certainty in Planning: A Critical Review of Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices" Preprints.
This research has critically argued that a vigilant combination of flexibility and certainty in spatial planning can bring about the most optimum planning outcomes. Therefore, to reproachfully evaluate the core argument, this research has tried to empirically respond to the research question of which balance of government intervention and market freedom produces the optimal economic, social and spatial outcomes. This research question has been further translated into an associated central hypothesis i.e., a hybrid planning system with an optimal balance between discretionary and regulatory planning approach can bring about the desired economic, social, and spatial outcomes.
Cross-Boundary Spatial Planning Systems and Practices
Business, Economics and Management, Accounting and Taxation
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