Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

An Intelligent Parking Management System using RFID Technology based on User Preferences

Version 1 : Received: 28 November 2020 / Approved: 30 November 2020 / Online: 30 November 2020 (16:04:41 CET)

How to cite: Shimi, A.; Ebrahimi Dishabi, M. R.; Azgomi, M. A. An Intelligent Parking Management System using RFID Technology based on User Preferences. Preprints 2020, 2020110738. Shimi, A.; Ebrahimi Dishabi, M. R.; Azgomi, M. A. An Intelligent Parking Management System using RFID Technology based on User Preferences. Preprints 2020, 2020110738.


Due to the tremendous progress in the automotive industry, the growth of the urban population, the number of vehicles is increasing and this creates parking challenges. Intelligent parking management systems offer an optimal solution for finding empty parking space so that drivers can quickly find their car parking space. To solve these problems, it is necessary to design an intelligent parking system, in addition to providing comfort to drivers, which is also economically viable. This paper proposes an intelligent multi-storey car parking system with the help of RFID technology and examining user preferences that can effectively solve car parking problems. The proposed method is a multi-objective decision-making method to reduce the problem of car parking, which is called MODM-RPCP. Therefore, the proposed MODM-RPCP method can allocate the best space for their stopping place by using the decision-making system and based on the priorities considered by the users. The simulation results show that the MODM-RPCP reduces the average booking time more than 19.2% and 27.1%, and decreases the response time of central parking management server more than 20.1% and 29.78% compared to MOGWOLA and ODPP approaches.


parking management system; smart parking; multi-objective method; decision-making method


Computer Science and Mathematics, Algebra and Number Theory

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