Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Effect of Physical Activity on Obesity in Second Stage Pupils of Elementary Schools in the Region of Ústí nad Labem

Version 1 : Received: 9 November 2020 / Approved: 10 November 2020 / Online: 10 November 2020 (15:27:45 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Pyšná, J.; Pyšný, L.; Cihlář, D.; Petrů, D.; Škopek, M. Effect of Physical Activity on Obesity in Second Stage Pupils of Elementary Schools in Northwest Bohemia. Sustainability 2020, 12, 10042. Pyšná, J.; Pyšný, L.; Cihlář, D.; Petrů, D.; Škopek, M. Effect of Physical Activity on Obesity in Second Stage Pupils of Elementary Schools in Northwest Bohemia. Sustainability 2020, 12, 10042.


Obesity is a serious problem of our society. A long-term positive trend in body weight gain continues to persist. Paediatric obesity arises from a changed lifestyle of children, characterised by an important restriction of their spontaneous physical activity. A lack of physical activity is one of the most important causes of paediatric obesity associated with a number of serious disorders. The paper evaluates the effect of physical activity on obesity in second stage pupils of elementary schools in the region of Ústí nad Labem. In their research survey, the authors determine the incidence of obesity and overweight as well as the relationship between physical activity and obesity in second stage pupils of elementary schools in the region of Ústí nad Labem. The data collection was based on questions of the CAV 2001 questionnaire and BMI-for-age. As revealed by the research survey, problems with obesity and overweight are present particularly in boys. Only a third of boys and girls engage in sufficient physical activity. At the same time, differences were shown in the study group where groups with higher BMI values had lower values of physical activity. Subsequently, a relationship was shown between those who use their bicycle as a means of transport and spend their leisure time bicycling at the same time. More than two thirds of the study subjects reported using a bicycle as a means of transport and using their bicycle in their leisure time as a means of being active; 93% of these subjects had normal body weight. Our results confirm the continued pandemic prevalence of obesity and indicate that appropriate physical activity should be included in the everyday life of children both at school and outside of school.


obesity; Body Mass Index; physical activity; education; pupils; health; lifestyle; sport


Business, Economics and Management, Accounting and Taxation

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