The effect of retrogression re-aging treatment (RRA) on corrosion behavior of 7055 Al-Zn-Mg alloy were studied. Results provides the corrosion resistance could be greatly improved by RRA. After the RRA treatment, the isolated precipitates occurred on grain boundaries (GBs) and the low angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) presented a larger fraction compared to the single-stage peaking aging. The samples after RRA treatment also show better corrosion resistance than the single-stage peak aging. The results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) show that impedance spectrum is consisted of semi-infinite layer diffusion impedance and stagnant Weber impedance. The semi-infinite layer diffusion impedance corresponded a limited retention layer on the electrode surface. In corrosion process, Weber impedance corresponded to stagnant layer of corrosion products generated by the anode branches. The RRA sample has the high Rf and low Cf, Cp values, and the corrosion current density of the RRA samples is ten times less than the single-stage peak aging samples with the 10% hardness losing.