Version 1
: Received: 26 April 2020 / Approved: 29 April 2020 / Online: 29 April 2020 (12:18:52 CEST)
How to cite:
Pregoner, J. D. The Truth behind the Fallen Leaves: Untold Stories of Unsuccessful LET Examinees. Preprints2020, 2020040506.
Pregoner, J. D. The Truth behind the Fallen Leaves: Untold Stories of Unsuccessful LET Examinees. Preprints 2020, 2020040506.
Pregoner, J. D. The Truth behind the Fallen Leaves: Untold Stories of Unsuccessful LET Examinees. Preprints2020, 2020040506.
APA Style
Pregoner, J. D. (2020). <strong>The Truth behind the Fallen Leaves: Untold Stories of Unsuccessful LET Examinees</strong>. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Pregoner, J. D. 2020 "<strong>The Truth behind the Fallen Leaves: Untold Stories of Unsuccessful LET Examinees</strong>" Preprints.
This case study was conducted to disentangle the stories of unsuccessful LET examinees, their responses to failure, and their perspectives of the factors that contributed to their failure. The results demonstrate five themes related to the failure experience. Factors related to the physical environment, psychological well-being, and preparedness influenced the performance of the examinees. Contributory factors to failure provided several implications to teacher education practice. Educators have a responsibility to identify, inform, and intervene with students who are at high risk of failing the LET, and this responsibility could be executed capably. However, the role should be extended beyond graduation. The responsibility to help graduates transition from failure to licensure is the final step of successful undergraduate teacher education.
case study; LET; failure
Social Sciences, Education
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