Version 1
: Received: 9 April 2020 / Approved: 12 April 2020 / Online: 12 April 2020 (15:13:39 CEST)
Version 2
: Received: 29 April 2020 / Approved: 30 April 2020 / Online: 30 April 2020 (05:40:55 CEST)
How to cite:
Simonetti, G.; Iosco, C.; Taruschio, G. Mental Health and COVID - 19: An Action Plan. Preprints2020, 2020040197.
Simonetti, G.; Iosco, C.; Taruschio, G. Mental Health and COVID - 19: An Action Plan. Preprints 2020, 2020040197.
Simonetti, G.; Iosco, C.; Taruschio, G. Mental Health and COVID - 19: An Action Plan. Preprints2020, 2020040197.
APA Style
Simonetti, G., Iosco, C., & Taruschio, G. (2020). Mental Health and COVID - 19: An Action Plan. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Simonetti, G., Carmela Iosco and Gianfranco Taruschio. 2020 "Mental Health and COVID - 19: An Action Plan" Preprints.
Since January, the disease caused by the Sars Cov-2 virus has spread and following pandemic. In a few months, the virus is seriously affecting the health systems of the various countries of the world and placing people in difficult psychological conditions. Few scientific resources on mental health have been published but still no one has proposed an action plan to cope the future psychological problems.This manuscript provides a plan to easily frame the priorities of mental health area related to COVID-19 to be taken into consideration which should be disseminated and that should be known by all health professionals and also by the major administrators of public health.
COVID-19; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); victims; psychological problems; counseling
Social Sciences, Psychology
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Commenter's Conflict of Interests: Author