
Indicators for Analyzing Village Territories in the Baltic Sea Coast Areas

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10 January 2020


12 January 2020

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Spatial planning processes generally consider three levels of planning, which are applied to three types of territory: state, county and city. As the coastal areas are of a significant natural, cultural, economic and social value, as well as are characterized by a diverse range of involved society with specific interests and needs, there is a necessity for an innovative and new approach to sustainable development planning in accordance with the modern age of growth, as well as to work with local communities in specific areas. Planning of a small populated area like village territory is more diverse and subject to the wishes and needs of the population. Small territory planning involves a very narrow circle of individuals or communities that identify spatial development needs for the future, including socio-economic, cultural, and environmental and climate change scenarios. In order to assess the development opportunities and needs of the area, it is necessary to monitor the area by regularly updating data. As it is well known, methodically derived data (facts) provide objectivity and transparency. Nowadays, when information about the present and the past is circulating very fast, it is possible to analyze the current situation, to forecast the future using databases, and to show several constructed realities (scenarios) using the geographic information system (GIS). Therefore, it is crucial to explore and find out the local needs-based planning approach to the development of village in coastal areas.
Social Sciences  -   Other
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