Morscher, G.N.; Han, Z. Damage Determination in Ceramic Composites Subject to Tensile Fatigue Using Acoustic Emission. Materials2018, 11, 2477.
Morscher, G.N.; Han, Z. Damage Determination in Ceramic Composites Subject to Tensile Fatigue Using Acoustic Emission. Materials 2018, 11, 2477.
Morscher, G.N.; Han, Z. Damage Determination in Ceramic Composites Subject to Tensile Fatigue Using Acoustic Emission. Materials2018, 11, 2477.
Morscher, G.N.; Han, Z. Damage Determination in Ceramic Composites Subject to Tensile Fatigue Using Acoustic Emission. Materials 2018, 11, 2477.
Acoustic emission (AE) has proven to be a very useful technique for determining damage in ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). CMCs rely on various cracking mechanisms which enable non-linear stress-strain behavior with ultimate failure of the composite due to fiber failure. Since these damage mechanisms are all micro-fracture mechanisms, they emit stress waves ideal for AE monitoring. These are typically plate waves since for most specimens or applications one dimension is significantly smaller than the wavelength of the sound waves emitted. By utilizing the information of the sound waveforms captured on multiple channels from individual events, the location and identity of the sources can often be elucidated. The keys to the technique are the use of wide-band frequency sensors, digitization of the waveforms (modal AE), strategic placement of sensors to sort the data and acquire important contents of the waveforms pertinent for identification, and familiarity with the material as to the damage mechanisms occurring at prescribed points of the stress history. The AE information informs the damage progression in a unique way which adds to the understanding of the process of failure for these composites. The AE methodology was applied to composites tested in fatigue at different frequencies where identification of when and where AE occurred coupled with waveform analysis leads to source identification and failure progression.
Chemistry and Materials Science, Ceramics and Composites
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