Taekwondo masters and coaches believe that they have a kind of “eagle eye” and that is why they feel comfortable to analyze athletes’ skills without using essential tools. The aim of this study was to analyze the athletes’ technical indicators during performance of the Miluh-chagi kick. To analyze the reliability and precision of the cycle of ten kicks (n = 120), performed by 5 women and 7 men senior athletes, we used an expert panel and a previously published observational tool. The coefficient of variation was calculated to verify precision. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to confirm the reliability among the evaluators. Student’s t-test was used for group-to-group analysis. Correlation analyses were accessed using Spearman’s rho. The data quality sample reliability results, for group, intra- and inter-rater were excellent and good re-spectively. Statistically significant differences, with a large effect size, were found in the foot take-off, knee up and start leg flexion observational moments. The values showed a small and negative to moderate correlation between the conducts and aggregates criteria. Perfect correlation values were found between support leg foot and contact leg position. These findings meet the measurement requirements of athletes’ technical indicators to analyze motor behavior, develop-ment and performance of this technique.