Kiswanto, K.; Hadiyanto, H.; Sediyono, E. Meat Texture Image Classification Using the Haar Wavelet Approach and a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. Appl. Syst. Innov.2024, 7, 49.
Kiswanto, K.; Hadiyanto, H.; Sediyono, E. Meat Texture Image Classification Using the Haar Wavelet Approach and a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. Appl. Syst. Innov. 2024, 7, 49.
Kiswanto, K.; Hadiyanto, H.; Sediyono, E. Meat Texture Image Classification Using the Haar Wavelet Approach and a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. Appl. Syst. Innov.2024, 7, 49.
Kiswanto, K.; Hadiyanto, H.; Sediyono, E. Meat Texture Image Classification Using the Haar Wavelet Approach and a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. Appl. Syst. Innov. 2024, 7, 49.
In Indonesia, types of meat are still identified manually due to increasing prices for beef and buf-falo ahead of Idul Fitri. Traders mix beef with pork to thwart the beef scam. Haar wavelet and GLCM, GLCM with angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°, as well as matrices using contrast, correlation, energy, homogeneity, and entropy, are used in feature extraction. The following are the results of meat image classification testing using k-NN, Haar wavelet, and GLCM: The k-NN algorithm shows superiority in identifying fresh (99%), frozen (99%), and rotten (96%) meat texture images with the most fantastic accuracy results in every situation. Meanwhile, GLCM routinely provides good results, especially regarding the texture image of fresh meat (183.21) and rotten meat (115.79). However, despite delivering less throughput than k-NN and GLCM, Haar wavelets are still helpful, especially when dealing with fresh meat texture images (89,96).
Computer Science and Mathematics, Computer Vision and Graphics
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