Gu, H.; Meng, Z. Updating Durability Models for Concrete Structures in Chlorine Environment Based on Detection Information. Appl. Sci.2024, 14, 4516.
Gu, H.; Meng, Z. Updating Durability Models for Concrete Structures in Chlorine Environment Based on Detection Information. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4516.
Gu, H.; Meng, Z. Updating Durability Models for Concrete Structures in Chlorine Environment Based on Detection Information. Appl. Sci.2024, 14, 4516.
Gu, H.; Meng, Z. Updating Durability Models for Concrete Structures in Chlorine Environment Based on Detection Information. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4516.
The assessment of concrete structures' durability in chlorine environments is significantly impacted by the uncertainty inherent in existing durability models. It introduce an integrated approach for updating these models, based on detection information of existing structures. This approach narrows the gap between theoretical predictions and observed structural durability. Specifically, we refine the probability model of critical chloride content by analyzing steel bar corrosion sample proportions, using Bayesian theory for greater accuracy. The enhanced model enables more reliable life expectancy prediction, forming a solid foundation for maintaining and strengthening existing structures.This method was demonstrated through a case study of a reinforced concrete industrial building with a service life of 12 years.
Chlorine environment; durability models; in-situ inspection information; parameter updating; probability life prediction
Engineering, Civil Engineering
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