Mikhaltsevitch, V.; Lebedev, M. Measurements of the Effective Stress Coefficient for Elastic Moduli of Sandstone in Quasi-Static Regime Using Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Sensors2024, 24, 1122.
Mikhaltsevitch, V.; Lebedev, M. Measurements of the Effective Stress Coefficient for Elastic Moduli of Sandstone in Quasi-Static Regime Using Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Sensors 2024, 24, 1122.
Mikhaltsevitch, V.; Lebedev, M. Measurements of the Effective Stress Coefficient for Elastic Moduli of Sandstone in Quasi-Static Regime Using Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Sensors2024, 24, 1122.
Mikhaltsevitch, V.; Lebedev, M. Measurements of the Effective Stress Coefficient for Elastic Moduli of Sandstone in Quasi-Static Regime Using Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Sensors 2024, 24, 1122.
Numerous experimental and theoretical studies undertaken to determine the effective-stress coefficient for seismic velocities in rocks stem from the importance of this geomechanical parameter both for monitoring changes in rock saturation and pore pressure distribution in connection with reservoir production, and for overpressure prediction in reservoirs and formations from seismic data. The present work pursues a task to determine, in the framework of a low-frequency laboratory study, the dependence of the elastic moduli of n-decane saturated sandstone on the relationship between pore and confining pressures. The study was conducted on a sandstone sample with high quartz and notable clay content in the quasi-static regime, when the 100 ml tank filled with n-decane was directly connected to the pore space of the sample. The measurements were carried out at a seismic frequency of 2 Hz and strains, controlled by semiconductor strain gauges, not exceeding 10-6. The study was performed using a forced-oscillation laboratory apparatus utilizing stress-strain relationship. The dynamic elastic moduli have been measured in two sets of experiments: at constant pore pressures of 0, 1 and 5 MPa and differential pressure (defined as a difference between confining and pore pressures) varied from 3 to 19 MPa; and at а constant confining pressure of 20 MPa and pore pressure varied from 1 to 17 MP. It was shown that the elastic moduli obtained in the measurements are in good agreement with the Gassmann moduli calculated for the range of differential pressures used in our experiments, which corresponds to the effective-stress coefficient equal to unity.
strain gauges; elastic properties; wave propagation; seismic frequency
Environmental and Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Geology
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