Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Study on the Separation and Mixing Characteristics of Wide-Grained Dense Medium in Vibration Separation Fluidized Bed

Version 1 : Received: 27 December 2023 / Approved: 29 December 2023 / Online: 29 December 2023 (11:29:08 CET)

How to cite: Fan, R.; Guo, Z.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, R.; Wang, Y.; Xiong, S. Study on the Separation and Mixing Characteristics of Wide-Grained Dense Medium in Vibration Separation Fluidized Bed. Preprints 2023, 2023122231. Fan, R.; Guo, Z.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, R.; Wang, Y.; Xiong, S. Study on the Separation and Mixing Characteristics of Wide-Grained Dense Medium in Vibration Separation Fluidized Bed. Preprints 2023, 2023122231.


Vibro-fluidized dry coal beneficiation involves the unavoidable mixing of -1 mm coal dust into the fluidized bed, which compromises the stability and homogeneity of the bed density and reduces the effectiveness of fine-grained coal separation. In order to understand the features of coal powder separation and mixing (-1 mm) in a vibrating fluidized bed, as well as to achieve a uniform and stable bed density, a wide-grained dense medium consisting of -1 mm coal dust and 0.3-0.15 mm magnetite powder was homogeneously mixed in this work. The degree of density separation in the entire bed was examined, as well as the local mixing properties of the Wide-grained Dense Medium. It was discovered that when low vibrational energy was introduced at the same gas velocity, particle separation was enhanced in comparison to the usual fluidized bed. Little bubbles were found to ensnare fine coal dust and migrate upward, increasing density separation. The introduction of high vibrational energy leads to particle disorder within the bed and an increase in the level of particle mixing. The beneficial effects of vibration on the bed are diminished when the gas velocity is gradually increased under specified vibration circumstances. This causes big bubbles to develop more frequently, which increases particle mixing. Among them, the 1-0.5 mm fine-grained coal exhibits the best mixing state; it is less impacted by variations in air velocity and vibration levels, whereas the -0.5 mm coal dust is more affected by each of these variables. Furthermore, a wide range of air velocity regulation without a significant segregation state change was discovered to be achievable by the particle system under vibration circumstances of f=25Hz A=1mm and f=25Hz A=2mm.


Vibrated fluidized bed; Fine coal; Mixing characteristic; Separation characteristics


Engineering, Mining and Mineral Processing

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