4.1. The Spatial Difference of C:N:P:K Soichiometry Was More Significant than That of Land Use Patterns
On the whole region scale of the agro-pastoral ecotone, SOC, TN, R
CP and R
NP of grassland were higher than that of farmland, while TP, TK and R
PK were on the contrary, indicating that grassland had stronger nutrient accumulation capacity than farmland. This was similar to the research results of other scholars in the agro-pastoral eczones [
38]. However, it was inconsistent with previous results in the windy and sandy areas of northern China and the yellow soil area of western Shanxi(
Figure 4 and
Figure 5), which may be due to the single soil type and low nutrient contents in the study areas. Soil microorganisms in farmland need nutrients to supply their own propagation, and soil available nitrogen content was lower, so R
CN was higher than that in grassland.
Li et al. showed that soil C and N were more sensitive to grassland transformation than P, through meta analysis of 92 studies [
39]. It was believed that crop harvest leads to the reduction of soil C in farmland ecosystem, tillage destroys soil structure, accelerates N loss, and fertilization leads to higher P and K content in farmland. Historically, soils have lost 40-90 Pg C through tillage and disturbance in the global [
40]. Studies in agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China [
41], northeast China [
43] and Castelluccio di Norcia (centralItaly) [
44] areas have also shown that the conversion of grassland to farmland will result in the loss of SOC and the decrease of soil chemical characteristics and basic soil fertility. But in our study, land use types only had significant effects on TP content, R
CP and R
PK (P < 0.05), while spatial environmental heterogeneity in the agro-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia had more significant effects on soil nutrient contents and eco-stoichiometric ratios (
Figure 2 and
Figure 3).This is because soil eco-stoichiometry is jointly regulated by land use patterns, soil properties, human disturbance, climate and topography factors [
45]. The spatial variation coefficient of SOC and TN content in farmland and grassland soil was higher (
Table A2), while the variation coefficient of TP and TK was lower, because the accumulation of C and N elements were related to the decomposition of organic matter and self-reproduction ability of soil microorganisms, so it was greatly influenced by environmental factors. P and K elements were mainly affected by fertilization and soil parent materials, so the variability was small [
4.2. Stoichiometric Characteristics Indicated the Constraints on Agricultural Production in Each Region
The 0-40 cm soil C:N:P:K values of farmland and grassland on the whole scale in the agro-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia were 44:3:1:25 and 82:6:1:36, respectively. The C:N:P of farmland is lower than that of Chinese soil (60:5:1), while that of grassland was the opposite [
47]. The R
CN ratio between 12 and 16 indicated that organic matter was well decomposed. At the same time, the study of forest soil showed that R
CN < 25 indicated high risk of nitrate leaching. The R
CP < 200 indicated net mineralization, and R
NP < 10 represented N limitation [
49]. The ranges of R
CP and R
NP in this study area were 12.2-15.44, 24.49-145.09 and 2-9.99, respectively, indicated that soil organic matter in farmland and grassland in this study area could be decomposed well on a global scale, and the phosphate mineralization rate was high, but nitrogen was limited.
The C:N:P:K values of farmland and grassland in I area were 23:2:1:15 and 37:3:1:24 respectively, which were lower than the C:N:P of the national soils, but the R
CN was higher than the global level, and the R
CP and R
NP were lower , which was similar to the results of Dalat Banner [
13]. This indicated that compared with other research areas, the decomposition rate of soil organic matter in farmland of I area was slower, and the availability of nitrogen was lower, but the availability of phosphorus was higher [
50]. In addition, compared with grassland, the TP content of farmland was 2 grades higher, and the contents of C, N, and K were at a lower than medium level. This may be due to the loss of nitrogen caused by flood irrigation and soil leaching in the Yellow River, and the increase of phosphorus caused by over-fertilization, resulting in soil N limitation and P saturation. Therefore, the rational application of phosphorus fertilizer and the management measures to improve the efficient use of soil nitrogen are more conducive to the effective use of agricultural resources in this area, so as to achieve soil element balance.
The soil C:N:P:K of farmland and grassland in II area were 62:5:1:26 and 100:8:1:36, respectively. The C:N:P values were higher than the national soils, the R
CN were higher than the global level, and the R
CP and R
NP of grassland were lower than the global level. The soil nutrient contents of farmland were at a medium level, C and N were one grade lower than that of grassland, and P was one grade higher. The results indicated that the soil mineralization rate was higher, but it was still limited by a lesser degree of nitrogen. The study at the northern foot of Yinshan showed that grassland reclamation changed soil physical structure and increased microbial activity, thereby increasing soil respiration, accelerating mineralization and decomposition of organic matter, and accelerating nitrogen loss rate [
33]. However, compared with our study, the R
CN was lower and the R
NP was higher. This may be because our study included the southern and northern foothills of Yinshan Mountain. The wind erosion intensity of soil in the southern foothills was weaker than that in the northern foothills, and the soil available nitrogen content was generally higher than that in the northern foothills. Therefore, cultivation measures to improve soil carbon sequestration capacity and available nitrogen are more beneficial to the stoichiometric balance of the region.
The soil C:N:P:K of farmland and grassland in III area were 39:3:1:40 and 87:6:1:81 respectively. The C:N:P of farmland was lower than that of the whole country, while that of grassland was higher. The RCN of grassland was higher than the global level, RCP and RNP were lower, the RCN, RCP and RNP of farmland were lower than the global level. The nutrient content of farmland was in the lower level, and the TP content was 1 grade higher than that of grassland. The results showed that the decomposition rate of soil organic matter in this area was fast, which was not conducive to the accumulation of organic carbon, and the net mineralization rate of phosphorus was fast, but there was still a strong nitrogen limitation, and the degree of nutrient deficiency was N > C > P. But the results were at odds with other studies on sandy land, which may be because our research scope was the whole West Liaohe River basin, included Horqin sandy land and Yanshan hilly area, while the water and fertilizer retention of soil in Yanshan hilly area were better than that of sandy land, so the content of soil organic carbon and phosphorus was higher. Therefore, reasonable fertilization combined with cultivation measures to improve the ability of soil water and fertilizer retention are more beneficial to the material circulation of farmland ecosystem in this region.
In the agro-pastoral area along the foothills of Daxing'anling Mountains, the R
CN of farmland in 0-20 cm soil layer was higher than that of grassland, which may be due to the low average temperature in this area, little difference in microbial activity between grassland and farmland, and little change in organic carbon [
42]. At the same time, due to the short frost-free period, less fertilizer application in farmland, and the cultivation measures such as fallow rotation, stubble and organic fertilizer application adopted by farms, the organic carbon retention capacity of farmland soil is strong. The R
CP and R
NP of farmland in 0-40 cm soil layer were higher than the global level, while the R
CN and R
CP of grassland soil were higher than that of global level, and the R
NP was lower. It showed that the decomposition and mineralization rate of organic matter in natural soil in this area was slow, which was beneficial to the accumulation of organic carbon, but the availability of phosphorus is low.
The soil C:N:P:K of farmland and grassland in IV area were 102:7:1:28 and 141:10:1:29, respectively. The C:N:P was higher than the national soil, and the grassland C:N:P (134:9:1) was higher than the national 0-10 cm soil layer. The R
CP and R
NP of farmland soil layer were higher than the global level, and the R
CN and R
CP of grassland soil were higher, but the R
NP was lower. The contents of C, N and K in farmland and grassland soil were at an upper level, and the contents of P were at a medium level. The results indicated that there was no nutrient deficiency in this area, but the net phosphorus mineralization rate was relatively lower. The R
CN of 0-20 cm soil layer in farmland was higher than that in grassland, which may be due to the low average temperature in the region and the slow decomposition of organic carbon [
47], and combined with measures such as crop rotation, fallow and residue, the surface soil has a strong ability to retain organic carbon.
Early research in Brigelo, Queensland found that continuous tillage and planting can maintain the availability of soil nitrogen better than continuous grazing [
51]. Recent studies in Hokkaido, Japan [
52] and Bavaria, Germany showed that the short-term conversion of grassland to cultivated land increased the diversity of soil bacterial community structure, and combined with the nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants, the soil organic carbon increased. Therefore, the dry farming areas in the agro-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia should advocate grain-grass rotation, increase the application of organic fertilizer and straw returning to the field, and rationally allocate fertilizer according to the vegetation types and the actual situation in the growth stage, which will help to balance the soil eco-stoichiometry.
4.3. Effects of Environmental Factors on Eco-stoichiometry of Farmland and Grassland
Through Spearman correlation analysis, we found that the effects of C, N, P and K contents on soil ecostoichiometry in this study area followed the law of geographical correlation [
53] (
Figure 4). N and K contents in grassland I and III had significant effects on elemental ecological cycles (p < 0.05), and K was negatively correlated with R
CP and R
NP, while P contents in III and IV areas had significant effects on C, N, K cycles (p < 0.05). It may be because I area was adjacent to II area, III area was adjacent to IV area, and I area and III area were river basins, so the soil properties between regions were similar. Too little or too much elements in farmland had no significant effect on the ecological cycle of other elements. C content in III area and IV area significantly affected N, P, K cycle. K content significantly affected C, N, P cycle only in I area and II area. However, N and P content significantly affected element ecological cycle in the whole region, and R
CN decreased with the increase of P content, it was not conducive to the accumulation of organic matter. Therefore, the ecological chemical cycle of elements in grassland soil was mainly controlled by C and N, while farmland was mainly controlled by N and P, R
CP and R
NP were the limiting indexes of soil nutrient content. Similar results had been obtained of Yellow River Wetland in Baotou [
13], Horqin Sandy Land [
18] and Chongqing Mountain [
54]. In this study, soil pH was only significantly correlated with R
NK and R
PK, which was inconsistent with the research results of paddy fields [
55] and in the alpine region of the Loess Plateau [
56], but fertilization caused soil stoichiometry in farmland to be greatly affected by soil pH [
57]. This may be related to the land type, geographical environment and research scale in the study area, so the conclusions drawn have regional limitations.
The effects of MAT and MAP on soil eco-stoichiometry also had geographical gradients. Soil eco-stoichiometry in I and II areas was affected by MAT and MAP on the contrary, while MAT and MAP in III and IV areas had the same effects on soil eco-stoichiometry. It may be because I and II were along the Yinshan Mountains in the east-west direction, while III and IV were along the Daxing'anling Mountains in the north-south direction , so the climate and environment of I and II areas and III and IV areas were similar. At the same time, temperature and precipitation were significantly correlated with soil stoichiometry in farmland and grassland, this was inconsistent with the findings of the Northeast black land study [
58], compared with the mean value of a single year, the average temperature and precipitation in the long-term series of this study can better reflect the long-term climate pattern. Moreover, the influence of temperature and precipitation change on soil stoichiometry in different ecosystems is inconsistent, which is inconsistent with the studies on forest and grassland [
59]. This may be because farmland is a semi-natural ecosystem, which is different from the natural ecosystem due to human factors.