Version 1
: Received: 15 November 2023 / Approved: 16 November 2023 / Online: 16 November 2023 (10:34:33 CET)
How to cite:
Pozdnyakova-Filatova, I. Y.; Ivanova, E. V.; Petrikov, K. V.; Rezhepova, A.; Frolova, A. A.; Zakharova, M. V. Identification of Phylogenetically Conserved Nitrogen-Dependent Small RNA across Pseudomonas. Preprints2023, 2023111062.
Pozdnyakova-Filatova, I. Y.; Ivanova, E. V.; Petrikov, K. V.; Rezhepova, A.; Frolova, A. A.; Zakharova, M. V. Identification of Phylogenetically Conserved Nitrogen-Dependent Small RNA across Pseudomonas. Preprints 2023, 2023111062.
Pozdnyakova-Filatova, I. Y.; Ivanova, E. V.; Petrikov, K. V.; Rezhepova, A.; Frolova, A. A.; Zakharova, M. V. Identification of Phylogenetically Conserved Nitrogen-Dependent Small RNA across Pseudomonas. Preprints2023, 2023111062.
APA Style
Pozdnyakova-Filatova, I. Y., Ivanova, E. V., Petrikov, K. V., Rezhepova, A., Frolova, A. A., & Zakharova, M. V. (2023). Identification of Phylogenetically Conserved Nitrogen-Dependent Small RNA across Pseudomonas. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Pozdnyakova-Filatova, I. Y., Alina A Frolova and Marina V Zakharova. 2023 "Identification of Phylogenetically Conserved Nitrogen-Dependent Small RNA across Pseudomonas" Preprints.
The residual content of the only carbon source increases at the end of the exponential growth phase when P. putida BS3701 cells are cultured under nitrogen deficiency. Moreover, the mRNA quantity of some genes involved in carbon catabolism decreases. There are no available data on regulators capable of stimulating the target mRNA degradation in pseudomonads under nitrogen deficiency in the literature. We have applied both comparative genomics methods and a number of biomolecular ones to identify new small P. putida BS3701 RNAs. This is due to the fact that the formation of ncRNA-mRNA duplexes, recognized by RNases, is one of the main mechanisms for reducing the number of transcripts in a cell. We have used the following selection criteria: 1) the presence of the interest gene of the NtrC binding site and a sigma54-dependent promoter in the upstream area, 2) the conservative location of the interest gene in the P. putida and P. aeruginosa genomes, 3) increase in the product quantity of the interest gene in a cell under nitrogen deficiency on two different carbon sources (succinate and naphthalene), 4) the product detection of the interest gene in a fraction enriched with small RNAs. The expression of two new small RNAs has increased twice or more times under nitrogen deficiency on both succinate and naphthalene: expression of ng171 and ng379. ng379 contains narK RNA motif.
Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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