Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

How Structural Modifications of Insulin Icodec Contributes to Its Prolonged Duration of Action: A Structural and Biophysical Perspective

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Version 1 : Received: 15 November 2023 / Approved: 15 November 2023 / Online: 16 November 2023 (11:16:57 CET)

How to cite: Li, W. How Structural Modifications of Insulin Icodec Contributes to Its Prolonged Duration of Action: A Structural and Biophysical Perspective. Preprints 2023, 2023111048. Li, W. How Structural Modifications of Insulin Icodec Contributes to Its Prolonged Duration of Action: A Structural and Biophysical Perspective. Preprints 2023, 2023111048.


Insulin icodec of Novo Nordisk is a novel long-acting insulin analogue that exhibits an extended duration of action, providing a promising treatment option for individuals with diabetes. It has been reported that the incorporation of fatty acid moieties into insulin icodec plays a crucial role in its prolonged action, as these fatty acid chains facilitate the formation of stable hexameric structures, thereby delaying insulin absorption and promoting sustained release. Yet, the underlying biophysics still is elusive of the roles of the three site-specific mutations (Y14A\_E, Y37B\_H, F46B\_H) of insulin icodec in its prolonged activity. Thus, through a comprehensive structural and biophysical analysis of the insulin (both native and icodec) structures bound to its receptor, this article delves deep into the biophysics underlying the molecular design of insulin icodec, and identified a delicate biophysical mechanism through which two missense mutations of insulin icodec (Y37B\_H and F46B\_H) contribute to its prolonged duration of action. Overall, this structural and biophysical investigation provides valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between three site-specific mutations and prolonged duration of action of insulin icodec, while understanding these modifications at a structural and biophysical level can aid in the rational design of future long-acting insulin analogues, offering further enhanced therapeutic options for diabetic patients.


Insulin icodec; Molecular design; Site-specific mutation; Structural biophysics


Biology and Life Sciences, Biophysics

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