Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Study on Analytically and Numerically Analysis of a Cylindirical Component Using Autofrettage

Version 1 : Received: 1 November 2023 / Approved: 2 November 2023 / Online: 2 November 2023 (14:36:33 CET)

How to cite: OYMAK, M.; ÖZCAN, B.; YILDIRIM, H.; ÇELİK, V. A Study on Analytically and Numerically Analysis of a Cylindirical Component Using Autofrettage. Preprints 2023, 2023110181. OYMAK, M.; ÖZCAN, B.; YILDIRIM, H.; ÇELİK, V. A Study on Analytically and Numerically Analysis of a Cylindirical Component Using Autofrettage. Preprints 2023, 2023110181.


In this study, the autofrettage method, which is used to increase the durability of cylindrical parts, was applied to a barrel made of steel material according to the AISI 4340 standard. Assuming that the barrel works continuously under the pressure of 400 MPa, optimum autofrettage was performed. The stresses occurring on the barrel before and after autofretage were calculated. Additionally, analytical equivalent stress values (Von-Mises) formed on the part's wall were compared with numerical analysis results obtained with a commercial finite element program ANSYS®, and their compatibility was examined. As a result of the calculations and analysis performed, it was observed that autofretage has positive effect on increasing the pressure carrying capacity of the barrel. After autofrettage the cylindrical part, it was determined that the Von-Mises stress values formed in the part wall changed and these stresses took the lowest value at a point (elastic-plastic interface). It has been evaluated that this point gives the optimal autofretage pressure value for a certain operating pressure. After the autofrettage application, it was determined that the Von-Mises Stress value in the barrel wall decreased by 25.27 % and the pressure carrying capacity of the barrel increased without any design or dimensional change. It has been seen that the analytical and numerical analysis results are consistent with each other, and it is expected that this study will guide and contribute to the studies to be conducted on increasing the strength or lightening the weight of the parts.


Plastic Deformation; Autofrettage; Residual Stress; Finite Element Method (FEM)


Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

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