Version 1
: Received: 29 September 2023 / Approved: 30 September 2023 / Online: 30 September 2023 (07:58:52 CEST)
How to cite:
Niculescu, V.; Niculescu, E. R. Evolutionary, Non-Mutational Cancers Cannot Be Considered Atavistic. Preprints2023, 2023092156.
Niculescu, V.; Niculescu, E. R. Evolutionary, Non-Mutational Cancers Cannot Be Considered Atavistic. Preprints 2023, 2023092156.
Niculescu, V.; Niculescu, E. R. Evolutionary, Non-Mutational Cancers Cannot Be Considered Atavistic. Preprints2023, 2023092156.
APA Style
Niculescu, V., & Niculescu, E. R. (2023). Evolutionary, Non-Mutational Cancers Cannot Be Considered Atavistic. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Niculescu, V. and Eugenia R. Niculescu. 2023 "Evolutionary, Non-Mutational Cancers Cannot Be Considered Atavistic" Preprints.
Recent successes in the field of evolutionary cancer cell biology (ECCB) have brought to a head two of the most important controversies regarding cancer origin. The first concerns the question of whether carcinogenesis is initiated only by genetic alterations, mutations, and driver genes, as the mutational theory teaches. The ECCB, claims that a large number of polyploidy-related cancers (PGCC cancers) are not due to mutations, but rather to inadequate ancient repair mechanisms used by DNA-damaged stem cells for their repair. Somatic mutations are merely secondary. The second controversy, described in the previous article, concerns the non-mutational theory itself: Are non-mutational polyploid cancers an atavism - as previously thought - or rather the effect of an ancient gene regulatory network aGRN that controls genome reprogramming in precancerous DNA-damaged cells as well in the transformed cells. Finally, the unicellular gene module of cancer, of which the aGRN is a part, has evolved along with the multicellular genome during the last 1000 My of evolution. and non-mutated cancer cell systems are under the control of the aGRN. The atavistic theory relies on phylostratigraphic evidence to determine the age of cancer genes. It states that most cancer-like genes arose during the transition period from unicellularity to multicellularity, but also during the early metazoan era. In our opinion, the atavistic theory is flawed and suffers from many misunderstandings. It provides little insight into the origin and coevolution of the cancer cell system and its control by the ancient gene regulatory network aGRN.
Medicine and Pharmacology, Oncology and Oncogenics
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