Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Impact of Nd Doping on Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of ZnO: A GGA+U Study

Version 1 : Received: 28 September 2023 / Approved: 28 September 2023 / Online: 30 September 2023 (10:11:05 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Wu, Q.; Liu, G.; Shi, H.; Zhang, B.; Ning, J.; Shao, T.; Xue, S.; Zhang, F. Impact of Nd Doping on Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of ZnO: A GGA + U Study. Molecules 2023, 28, 7416. Wu, Q.; Liu, G.; Shi, H.; Zhang, B.; Ning, J.; Shao, T.; Xue, S.; Zhang, F. Impact of Nd Doping on Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of ZnO: A GGA + U Study. Molecules 2023, 28, 7416.


The electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of Nd-doped ZnO systems were calculated using the DFT/GGA+U method. According to the results, the Nd dopant causes lattice parameter expansion, negative formation energy, and bandgap narrowing, resulting in the formation of an n-type degenerate semiconductor. Overlapping of the generated impurity and Fermi levels results in a significant trap effect that prevents electron-hole recombination. The absorption spectrum demonstrates a redshift in the visible region and improved intensity, leading to enhanced photocatalytic performance. The Nd-doped ZnO system displays ferromagnetic, with FM coupling due to strong spd-f hybridization through magnetic exchange interaction between the Nd-4f state and O-2p, Zn-4s, and Zn-3p states. These findings imply that Nd-doped ZnO may be a promising material for DMS spintronic devices.


ZnO; First-principle; Magnetic properties; Optical properties; Rare earth element


Physical Sciences, Atomic and Molecular Physics

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