Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Investigating Self-Perceived Use of Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Italian Secondary School Physical Education Teachers: A Pilot Study

Version 1 : Received: 21 September 2023 / Approved: 21 September 2023 / Online: 22 September 2023 (08:51:26 CEST)

How to cite: Monacis, D.; Latino, F.; D'Arando, C.; Colella, D. Investigating Self-Perceived Use of Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Italian Secondary School Physical Education Teachers: A Pilot Study. Preprints 2023, 2023091543. Monacis, D.; Latino, F.; D'Arando, C.; Colella, D. Investigating Self-Perceived Use of Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Italian Secondary School Physical Education Teachers: A Pilot Study. Preprints 2023, 2023091543.


The enhancement of physical and sports literacy in school setting are prerogatives and development aim for the physical education (PE) teachers. Therefore, as part of the teaching of motor activities, the proposal of motor tasks through different organizational modes (individual tasks, in pairs, in small groups, circuits, relay, paths, team games, etc.) is functional to the achievement of the educational objectives set in the didactic learning units. The present study aims to assess PE teachers’ perception about the use of teaching styles during curricular lessons. The sample involved a total of 83 PE teachers (M= 41, F= 42, main age= 43,74±10,76) divided according to years of service (0-4 = 36%, 5-10 = 34%, and over 10 = 30%) and academic training (ISEF= 44% and master’s degree= 56%). Teachers complete a digitalized version of a self-produced questionnaire to assess how many times they use each teaching styles during the last month. Results can be summarized as follows: (a) academic training is significantly associated with the command, inclusion, and guided-discovery styles in PE; (b) command and practice Styles are often used by PE teachers, regardless of years of service and academic training, and (c) guided discovery and convergent/divergent Discovery Styles are most frequently used by graduate teachers, regardless of years of service. The preliminary results of the analysis of PE teachers’ perception of teaching styles reveals the prevalence of the use of some styles over others, and this presuppose not only a different (but similar) teacher’s behavior, but also limits children’s way of learning a certain motor task. Future research and analysis will investigate the perception of different teaching styles according to seniority, school grade and academic training to design training courses for teachers adapted to children’s needs.


quality physical education; spectrum of teaching styles; student-teacher relation


Social Sciences, Education

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